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wanking uncock cock compared to cut cock

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Started by #52421 [Ignore] 01,Jan,11 03:52
Recently I had an opportunity to jerk off an uncut guy I met up with. As I have a cut-cock, it felt totally different holding a uncut cock in my hand and jerking it off. The way the skin slid over his cock just felt totally different to what I am used to. I am wondering if you guys prefer wanking uncut cock or circumsised cock. I would appreciate your comments

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By denier [Ignore] 22,Mar,19 16:29 other posts 
love docking with a mate whos also uncut. best feeling other than pussy i reckon especially if theres precum. nothing like pushing them inside each other
By #631189 01,Jan,21 08:11
I’d love to try docking, I can’t with mine unfortunately:-(

By #631189 23,Dec,20 05:45
I’m uncut and I don’t go off quickly. For around ten years I’ve masturbated with the skin back tightly. It has made my glans a bit less trigger happy and it feels so much more intense and pleasurable to me. And then I’ve also got the added bonus of having my foreskin after I’ve finished. I seem to be in the minority though and most intact men jerk off with the skin forward
By #463848 01,Jan,21 03:27
I do both, but like you, pulling back the foreskin as far as it will go and then rubbing the glans with lubed fingers is the best feeling. It always gets the glans stiff, even if the shaft isn't fully erect. (Age)
By #631189 01,Jan,21 06:49
It always feels so good when you do that. I always think that guys who wank with the skin forward are missing out on so much pleasure, so many hot spots under the bonnet!

By #602710 06,Dec,19 14:28
Love my uncut cock. Always els like im fucking a lady when i wank. Wonderful,also handfull.
By new26 [Ignore] 07,Dec,19 07:27 other posts 
That must feel good

By #463848 29,Oct,17 06:09
Most of my boyhood friends were cut and as I was uncut, that presented a problem as we are looking at a time when sexual experimentation between boys was exactly that. We had no knowledge of what others did as all do now from the media and the Internet.

I was probably a bit clumsy and some of the boys had sensitive glans that meant either my efforts were uncomfortable or they spunked with a hair trigger reaction.

However, they were always keen to get hold of me so that they could have the experience of a foreskin.

In later years, I wondered what it would have been like to dock a cut penis in my foreskin. Even now, I still wonder!!
By #64328 20,Sep,18 11:25
I only had a couple uncut friends. They seemed more sensitive and would cum very quick. One friend I would do is expose the head and hold it like that and he would start shooting. I always thought that was hot
By #463848 09,Dec,18 08:24
Yes, one of my friends was like that when I first knew him. We must have been about 12 at the time. We never discussed his self-play history but he was always keen to show us his cock but told us not to touch it. He used to just open his fly and expose only his cockhead.

We asked him why we couldn't touch it and he said that if we did he would spunk right away. We let it pass for a while but we were always intrigued when we saw his cockhead, stiff as a board, and nothing else.

Eventually we were unable to resist the temptation of seeing if his story was true. So, one day we got him in a position and asked if we could just have a closer look at his cock. We bent down and got our faces close and 'innocently' asked how long it was and he said, "very small". So we said let's see it then. He said 'no'. So one of the boys who was closest just pulled back his trousers from around his cock and exposed a bit more of its length. In a flash, one of the other boys got hold of his cockhead between his finger and thumb as if to pull it further out of his fly and in a second or two his penis erupted and spunk shot out down his trousers.
By #542930 16,Nov,18 00:26
I was cut at birth so do not know what a foreskin would be like but I enjoy any cock be it cut or even better an uncut one that I can feel & suck his forskin
By #463848 27,Dec,18 03:20
It would be good for you to try and meet with an uncut guy who could dock you (get your cockhead inside his foreskin) and then wank you with his.

By #569242 14,Dec,18 17:24
When I was a teenager, had two neighbor boys my age and we would jack each other off. Only cock I have ever jerked off that had a foreskin is my own. Love the feeling of my foreskin slipping back and forth over my penis head. Would love to find someone with a foreskin to masturbate him and have him cum all over my hand.

By #573046 13,Dec,18 18:20
Would love to try giving a handjob for a guy with cut cock. As I have uncut dick I want to feel how dick with less foreskin around head feels in hand.I think cut cocks need lube for wanking.

By #491031 16,Nov,18 12:55
When I wank, I always make sure my dick is "uncock"ed (and that the safety is on) because I don't want it to go off accidentally.

By #64328 16,Nov,18 11:05
Uncut seemed more sensitive and fast cummers have always been a turn on for me.

By tb1 [Ignore] 21,Sep,18 17:38 other posts 
I do not care if a guy’s cock is cut or not. I have jerked off both kinds.
I have jerked off cut guys who had a little bit of foreskin left.
I have jerked off uncut guys who had very short foreskins.
To me I enjoyed either.
The joy of getting them to cum, spurting all over my hand, outweighed any preference as to type.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Sep,18 17:08 other posts 
If there are uncock cocks then there are uncunt cunts too.
--------------------------------------- added after 34 seconds

This is a cunt I fuck but it's definitely not an uncunt one.

[deleted image]

By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 20,Sep,18 01:20 other posts 
Never jerked off a cut one before since most guys here are uncut

By #566722 15,Sep,18 17:12
I never held circumsised cock in my hand so I prefer uncut, which is like mine.But I want to try stroking cut cock and feel how different it feels.I bet it needs lube.

By #539214 01,Oct,17 01:19
It used to be believed that when boys would pull the foreskin back to clean the act of masturbating would be irresistible. The prude people back in the day didn't want anyone to have any reason to touch their genitals. There became this fear that once a boy discovered he could slide the skin back and forth over the sensitive head he would become preoccupied with masturbating
By Nevermore [Ignore] 01,Oct,17 10:56 other posts 
Your twelve part documentary series has been greenlit by The History Channel.

By #518391 01,Oct,17 10:21
I've had experience both way, having had a foreskin until I was 65...I found wanking using my foreskin irritated both it and my knob, so I tended to hold my foreskin back and wank my bare helmet with lube. I needed circumcision for recurrent balanitis problems...and I now love the feel of direct contact with my knob (it's even better during sex...) fist running over the circ scar and on to my knob rim, then over it is wonderful...

By #460523 10,Jan,17 21:46
I do not know about uncut because I am cut but I could off in 2 mins with out lube and felt good to me

By niceonebighead [Ignore] 26,Nov,16 17:18 other posts 
im uncut i would have hated who ever had it cut more fun 2 play with easyer 2 play with dont need lube i **** suckin agreasey cock lube taste like shit

By #428387 09,Dec,13 17:22
pray tell wtf is an uncock cock is it like a colt 49 with a Jammed hammer ?
By #303133 04,Mar,14 18:14
An uncock cock would be like "turkey bacon". It LOOKS like a penis, but has none of the flavor...
By #23212 09,Mar,14 01:28
But it at least would be kosher/halal.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 04,Oct,14 16:33 other posts 
@justwill: man... how stupid can you be? uncut is what IS a penis, the way a boy is born!

cutting off the prepuce takes away the flavor!

you suffer from "Stockholm-syndrome" with the people that had your foreskin removed!

hey hey... think about it for 3 seconds before you answer!
By #23212 05,Oct,14 00:38
Maybe this time, 'bigone21', YOU could re-read the title of this post here, and YOU "think about it for 3 seconds before you answer!".

["... uncock cock ..."]

I realize that English is not you native language, but you seem to be arguing a lot here lately, especially with 'JustWill', over YOUR OWN misunderstandings of humourous jestings here; with you not getting the simple humourous intent, and taking them literally rather.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 05,Oct,14 12:49 other posts 
1, 2, 3...60!

so, one makes a stupid or mean joke, and

1. if you say: hahaha! you have a feel for humour;

2. if you say: nonsens, this & that! you suffer from misunderstanding humourous jestings.

so be it, @sinanff47: i'm not a fool, i can read between the lines of what justwill writes.
By #303133 05,Oct,14 14:44
This was not a circumcision statement.
An "uncock cock" would be a cock that was NOT cock.

"UNCOCK" would be the OPPOSITE of COCK.

Any baby boy who is born with an "uncock" would, in actuality, be a girl...

Think about it for the next twenty-five years before you answer.
You don't have to "read between the lines". Just read the actual lines themselves.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 05,Oct,14 16:11 other posts 
well willy,

you got me there! i just didn't see it: 'uncock'...

i admit i was stupid not reading well!

1-0, 2-0, 3-0 for you!

and i must look, and do feel, like an ass!
By #23212 09,Oct,14 03:08
'bigone21', THAT is exactly what I was also trying to tell you. Please read my post above again.

[I have nothing but fondness for The Netherlands, having spent some wonderful time in your country; and I found people with great senses of humour there also. ]
By bigone21 [Ignore] 09,Oct,14 20:02 other posts 
at last i understood...

feel stupid i did not see it at first...
By #23212 10,Oct,14 01:03
Not a problem--we're all human.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 10,Oct,14 15:45 other posts 

By #81941 02,Jan,11 10:22
Circumcision became popular because it was a method of making masterbation more difficult. The combination of removing the most sensitive parts, allowing what's left to toughen up, and also reducing the skin movement to almost nothing is very effective at making wanking a lot more of a workout. I got circumcised a while ago and found this to be so. Back when I was uncircumcised, I could jerk off anywhere really quickly (normally over getting circumcised) and cum in only a few minutes. Now it takes ages. These days I wank about how you uncircumcised guys have a far more senstive dick and how your foreskin slides as nature intended, while mine doesn't anymore!
By #1501 29,Dec,11 18:49
Why then did you do it?
By #460523 05,Oct,14 21:39
I am cut but I can masturbate real fast if I want to

By #396914 29,Mar,14 13:33
I love being uncut, so much more to play with and enjoy
I just think it is unfair to cut without the **** being
asked or wanting it!!
By bigone21 [Ignore] 04,Oct,14 18:06 other posts 

By #291618 09,Mar,14 01:11
an uncock cock

By #41858 04,Mar,14 17:38
Would love to hear a woman's opinion on this..

By #443664 03,Jan,14 04:31
[deleted image]

Me wanking my uncut cock, always feels great to masturbate would never get cut or change it in any way.
By #369710 04,Mar,14 11:26
very nice

By #316057 03,Jan,14 04:56
like uncut

By Cumeleon [Ignore] 30,Dec,13 06:14 other posts 
I only get turned on by uncut cocks, as im cut myself (and **** it ). The way the skin is sliding over the smooth wet cock head is nice. You can be much more creative when sucking or wanking an uncut cock. I enjoy going under it with my tongue or my finger and "circulate" along the head. You can pinch the opening if its long enough and make him cum inside the foreskin. And much more things you cant do with a cut cock. I also enjoy watching uncut guys peeing through their foreskin.

By #41858 09,Dec,13 12:28
I love the slight pull of the shaft skin on a circumcised cock... the tightness of the shaft creates a tension on the head as you brush your fingers over it on the upstroke

By #434928 09,Dec,13 05:32
[deleted image] uncut and leaking precum
By #316057 09,Dec,13 11:17

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