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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #127462 [Ignore] 02,Jan,11 09:08
Have you ever met other members of this site IRL, not on purpose but by accident? Some persons have distinctive tattoos or jewellery that could be easily recognised. Imagine your colleague invites you for dinner and you recognise her or his livingroom as part of a lustily photo on here. I guess I would giggle all evening long .

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By fancyabit [Ignore] 03,Jan,11 00:09 other posts 
Maybe if we suspect a him or her that uses this site we such all have a password, then its up to the other person to respond, and if they don't then we'll leave it at that. Any suggestions on a password? mine's SYD.

By #6568 02,Jan,11 10:32
I first learned of this site by hearing a woman aquaintance mention it and some months later she correctly identified me although I never told her that I was 'displayed' here.
By admin [Ignore] 02,Jan,11 13:46 other posts 
It's amazing, considering that you are here almost from the beginning. Not many people knew about this site then.
By #10886 02,Jan,11 14:29
But, thanks to you admin, a LOT of people know about it now!!
By slipper [Ignore] 02,Jan,11 23:47 other posts 
...and, we're all GLAD (well, most of us, anyway!) Thanks, admin!
By #6568 02,Jan,11 14:55
There have been a couple of interesting additional parts to this story,...I am in the process of writting it up on my blog. Because of this I made a point of asking how she did identify me when we met a few days ago at a Christmas dinner. She saw my full body pic and thought I seemed familiar,..and it was apparently my hand tooled belt in some other shots which made her certain that it was me........

........I always 'vet' my pix before posting and reject any that have any significant detail, however, that was not enough!! A warning to everyone here actually!
By slipper [Ignore] 02,Jan,11 23:48 other posts 
I WISH I had "something" that would ID me!

By #116477 02,Jan,11 10:01
Or would you giggle for just a minute - and then wake up

p.s. What'IRL?
By #127462 02,Jan,11 10:15
Ah, now that you said it, I'm up now . IRL = in real live, sorry for using an acronym. Well, my experience is that the world isn't a huge place anymore. If you live in a metro area like SanFran or Paris or Berlin or others you can be pretty sure that dozens of your 'neighbours' are on here, too. You will meet them.
By #116477 02,Jan,11 14:58
Yes..I just hope I don't meet my mother here and find out she's a transvestite.. Fingers crossed..
By slipper [Ignore] 02,Jan,11 23:45 other posts 
I'm so sorry... she looked so "real!"

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