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hard in public places

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #145014 [Ignore] 08,Mar,11 05:58
kind of get a thrill from the whole public thing. What's the craziest place you've whipped it out? give a suggestion and ill do it and post a pic or a video . post your own too!

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Similar topics: 1.Fond of Showing my Dick in Public   2.Jerkin in public places??????????   3.jerking off in public places?   4.Public posted pictures   5.Suggest me places to get naked  

By #88663 08,Mar,11 14:24
I had a girl friend who used to like to get me hard in public places, it didn't matter where she would do things to get me hard! One time we were in a pool hall playing in the back corner and she would tickle my asshole every time I'd lean over to take a shot, and tell me she wanted to eat me!!!I was hard as rock...the hall wasn't that crowded so I unziped and took my cock out for my GF to play with....
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,May,15 19:40 other posts 
I want a gf like that!
By spermkiss [Ignore] 30,May,15 19:44 other posts 
I hope she gave you a BJ right there.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 30,May,15 15:15 other posts 
Getting an erection in public is one of the real joys of being a man. It's fun to go commando and get hard and then go about your business as if everything were normal.

By #443033 30,May,15 14:46
I wish I lived in an area where it was possible to do more stuff naked outside.

Here I am pissing outside my house.

[deleted image]

Another of me wearing a condom for no reason outside in the morning.

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And here I am at a bus stop at 5 in the morning. I came on that bench.

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By jocstfr [Ignore] 19,Mar,11 11:09 other posts 
I once fell asleep at the beach and got a huge boner while sleeping. My bathing suit could not contain it and when I woke up my dick was throbbing completely exposed. Both girls and guys were all around in close proximity and i think they all enjoyed it. One girl asked if I planned on going back to sleep

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