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Started by #32325 [Ignore] 19,Mar,11 04:56
I have a baby on the way and was wondering weather to get him cut or not???

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By Ray10754 [Ignore] 23,Aug,11 21:10 other posts 
My opinion is as follows,
First off If your the parents I feel that decission should be Totaly up to You and your Doctor!!! END OF TOPIC !!!!! Why any responcible parent would look for advice on such a personal isue as this, In an adult chat form, is beyond my comprehention.

By slipper [Ignore] 27,Jul,11 23:16 other posts 
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Let him choose AFTER he's old enough!

By #163488 24,May,11 02:34
I think this decision should be left entirely up to the parents. I only had 2 daughters so I never had to make this decision. I like both cut and uncut penises.
By #6568 24,May,11 04:20
But of course this is part of the problem,....it's not about what the parents "like" it's about what the hapless baby will like when he becomes grown.

What moral right does ANYONE have to mutilate a tiny child that can't defend itself on the grounds of some imaginary ideas?

Frankly, there has been some complete drivel in this thread/topic where people will grasp ANY reason or excuse that makes it ok to mutilate a tiny childs penis,.,..not to mention the many untruths such as that, here in europe people really want to circ their babies but can't because it's not 'covered by welfare'.......massive ignorance about European cultures where doctors carefully reconstruct babies foreskins where their are problems etc and have had sound reasons against mutilation.

We, as europeans, can make defamatory statements about American attitudes;......in teh USA church groups simply want to remove as much sexual sensation from a boys penis as possible without actually removing the ability to reproduce, so the most sensitive tissue that contribute to sexual stimulation are removed.

.....If it's true that God made man in his own image, I wonder how he feels about Americans being critical of his work and routinely chopping off bits that offend their sensibilities.......??

By #109464 21,Mar,11 10:57
Better is let him grow and he decides what to do with his body. Is HIS body not YOURS.
By #145310 21,Mar,11 12:21
Most parents in the United States want what is best for their children, including circumcision. And in this rich country most careing parents don't mind paying for it. Do you feel the same way about how we give little babies all those shots to ward off disease, after all we do stick needles into their bodies, they must feel pain because they cry and sometimes we see a drop of blood. Should we wait until they are old enough to decide for themselves if they want the shots or not. A parent must make wise choices for their children's sake.
By #70814 21,Mar,11 13:01
Yeah, except that foreskin is not a disease.
By #145310 21,Mar,11 15:26
My sister, who is a nurse, has seen many litte boys brought into the ER with infections under the foreskin, some if left alone might endanger the penis. They require antibiotics and sometime hospitalization and surgery. My sister says this could have been avoided if the boy was circumcised at birth. No wonder my sis is pro-circ.
By #70814 22,Mar,11 13:32
My oncle, who is a dentist, has seen many people in his cabinet with infections in their teeth. They require antibiotics and sometime hospitalization and surgery. I say this could have been avoided if their teeth had been removed at birth. But I wonder why I'm not pro-"teeth-removal". Oh, maybe that's because they're actually important.

If your hygiene is not good enough, your teeth will cause yourself problems, AS do foreskins if not washed everyday. BUT this doesn't mean teeth or foreskins are bad.

You can say wathever you want, foreskin is there to protect the glans. That's a fact. Remove the foreskin, your glans has to protect itself, and it loses sensitivity. Now you can not actually measure that loss, of course. But neither can you prove that it doesn't affect sensitivity.

They're pros and cons both in favour AND against circumsition. It's not black or white.
By #145310 22,Mar,11 13:46
Early man needed his protective foreskin when he walked on all four, his dick dragged on the ground. That part about your oncle keeping people in his cabinet and pulling teeth at birth was funny. Your a funny guy. By the way, people aren't born with teeth, they come in later. Actually, we get two sets. See what you can learn on this site.
By #70814 22,Mar,11 13:51
I get that a lot, thanks. I don't think we'd had it today, if it wasn't any more useful. We tend to lose whatever isn't needed, foreskin is still useful. Maybe you haven't got any foreskin, and I'm sure you're alright. Just as people with one finger less, they're alright too. That doesn't mean it's not useful, even now that we walk on our two feet.

By #70814 21,Mar,11 12:57
Does anybody have a problem with my uncut cock ?

By #100011 19,Mar,11 21:41
The controversy lives on, there is no end to the debate about circumcision. Born in the US, when I was a young kid, circ vs uncut was roughly 50/50 in the school locker room and among my playmates. I did think (in my early teens) that cut dicks were "neat" but now that I am an old fart I'm glad I still have my intact foreskin, it has never given me a problem, has been sexually sensitive and provided a good deal of personal pleasure. Perhaps I was fortunate to have European parents where the norm was uncut, for my mother retracted my foreskin every time she bathed me until I was old enough to wash my penis myself, by which time it had stretched sufficiently to easily retract. I never had a cleanliness problem, if my dick head smelled when peeled back I was grossly in need of a bath. I am perfectly content with my uncut dick and gladly display it in as much detail as possible on SYD for all to see without hesitation. I think every dick is beautiful, just think of the complex process that occurs to create sperm and deliver it to impregnate an egg inside the female body. The process works whether the sperm is delivered by a cut or uncut penis. I love my foreskin as do many SYD members who visit my home page. World civilization has thrived and multiplied for centuries with both uncut and cut dicks performing the task of insemination successfully and beautifully.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 21,Mar,11 08:12 other posts 
and another great example of a cock left alone - you're a lucky guy

By #23294 19,Mar,11 15:52
Don't! Simple as that! Is not your right to do that. And believe me, he will feel the pain, he just will not be able tell you but he will cry...
How you're going to answer "why" if someday he ask you?
"Sorry son, I did it because I was told to do so?"
And hygiene is very lame excuse in the 21st century. A long time ago they figure the bathrooms.....

Sorry about my sharpness but is not that often a man have major problems with the foreskin. And if so he can always remove....afterwards.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 21,Mar,11 08:10 other posts 
and your cock, Desert, is a great example of why cocks ought to be left alone. You have a really nice looking uncut cock. Obviously being uncut hasn't harmed you. Based on the size of Matty555's cock, his son might end up with a really big & beautiful uncut cock.

By #145310 19,Mar,11 20:24
I wonder if these "I was cut as a baby but they should have let me alone" aren't really uncut's with an agenda. Men who are circumcised don't regret it. I think most who are uncut really wish they were circumcised.
By #7976 20,Mar,11 23:05
Check out my pix. I'm cut and didn't have a say in the mater. As for wishes, at this point in my life I would have preferred to be uncut and natural. I don't care much one way or another about circumcision but I am a true believer in leaving things the way nature intended. Whether its circumcision or a boob job, it's just wrong.

By #33070 20,Mar,11 22:42
Please don't do it! Sorry to say it's there for a reason If he's blessed like you it'll look hot when he's older

By slipper [Ignore] 20,Mar,11 21:35 other posts 
UNCUT ALL the way!!! HE can change his mind later, if he wants. NOT so easy the other way, if he does! And, have you ever seen the results of truly botched circ-jobs (yes, they do still happen)? NOT good--some even end up with sex-reasignments. YIKES!!! Again, the point is, who are YOU to choose for someone else, even your son... I sure wouldn't... and didn't with my son.

By #7976 19,Mar,11 19:12
Definitely not. I was circumscribed at birth and while it's not a tragedy, I would have liked to make that decision myself when I got old enough. I figure if your born with a foreskin, it should be left alone.

By hytiger [Ignore] 19,Mar,11 15:37 other posts 
Yes, if you want him to look like a muslim or jew!
By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Mar,11 18:58 other posts 
Or an American.

By #145310 19,Mar,11 10:23
Before the "anti-circs" start spouting how it is "mutilation", does an artist mutilate a piece of marble to create a thing of beauty? So does a skiled sergeon "sculp" a beautiful penis through circumcision. Most agree a circumcised penis does look better. Also, look through the FORUM at the problems with uncut cocks: phimosis, foreskins strangled behind the head, torn and bleeding foreskins, smegma irritation, meatus infection leading t bladder infections, the list goes on and on. England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. once circumcised the majority until the government health care stopped paying for it. In the United States the circ rate is dropping for several reasons. The majority of middle class still have their newborns circumcised, even if they have to pay for it as alot of Insurance Plans do not pay for "elective surgery". Those on medical or unable to pay are unable to have it done. A growing population from third world countries also adds to the uncut percentage. The pecantage among middle to upper class is still over 90% circumcised. Have your newborns circumcised to prevent future problems. He may be disappointed in you if you don't.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Mar,11 15:56 other posts 
I'm with you one hundred per cent, FishermanJoe. As is the case with most American male babies born after 1920, I was circumcised as an infant and I'm glad I was. I, too, think that a circumcised penis is generally more attractive, though there are some mighty attractive un-cut ones on display on this site. Homemade comes readily to mind. There are also a lot of really nasty looking un-cut ones. I ain't naming names for the nasty ones.

And don't get me started on the sanitation issues. As a devoted and dedicated cocksucker I gotta say that sucking a circumcised penis is a lot more pleasant. That's not to say that slipping my tongue inside a nice foreskin isn't fun because I've partaken of this pleasure many times. But many times a guy is sticky and smelly under his skin and his dick is just not something I want in my mouth. Again, many of these are on display on this very site.

Finally there is the matter of sensitivity. The anti-circumcision crusaders claim that with circumcision a lot of sensitivity is lost. This sounds like a reasonable argument and there is no way I can know what it is like to be un-circumcised. But even circumcised men often have issues with being too sensitive. Try an internet search of "penis sensitivity" and see what you come up with. Dozens of articles pertaining to men who are too sensitive and who ejaculate prematurely. Only a handful about men who are not sensitive enough.

So in conclusion, matty555, I say get him cut.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Mar,11 18:55 other posts 
When I posted the above comment it was based mostly on aesthetics and sanitation from the gay cocksucker's point of view.

However, there are good reasons why heterosexual women should have an interest in male circumcision. Of course women can and do admire an attractive circumcised penis and many (most?) women are cocksuckers and like a nice clean cut cock, but in addition there are women's health issues here. There are reliable studies that indicate that the incidence of cervical cancer is lower in the wives and female partners of circumcised men.

So again, matty555, I say get him cut.

By #88663 19,Mar,11 11:05
Get it done now, I recently had a vasectomy and there was a boy 15 in the triage that was there for a circumcision because he didn't like the way the fore skin looked. He was a basket case! If your going to have it done do it now so he has no recall of it. and I do like the way an uncut cock looks! I'm cut....

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