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Mother in law

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #131042 [Ignore] 07,Apr,11 14:28
I guess I'm not the only one on here who would love to fuck my mother in law? She stays at our place quite often and I always put a bathrobe on In the evenings with nothing underneath and try and sit opposite her while watching tv. I part my legs as often as I can and give her a glimpse of cock. One time I sat in the corner chair, everyone but her would have to turn around to see me, so I parted my robe, my cock out completely and acted as if I didn't know, I caught her looking!! More than once too! I soon had to leave the room for a

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By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 29,May,14 08:51 other posts 
This just happened and it was fun! My mother in law moved in with us because she is in her 80's..She and I share the down stairs bathroom..Since she has moved in I have seen her naked many times..She would wake up and go to the bathroom naked..Being swedish I never get it a second thought..I oftan have coffee in the morning when she would come out of her bedroom..She would then notice me and continued on her way..Well today I finished cutting the grass and went in to take a shower..I never lock the door and was washing my hair when I heard the door open..I continued washing and she stept in and then saw me..I turned and faced her and said I would finish in a minate..She was surprised seeing me..She gave me a good look down and then backed out..Her husband died 6 years ago and it has been a long time since she has seen a man naked..She took a good look at my cock and ass before leaving..I didnt mind it at all and found it quite fun..She has finally seen me naked and I hope it isnt the last time..

By slipper [Ignore] 10,Apr,11 02:54 other posts 
Sorta related... my wife, m-i-l, and I went to a conference together and shared a room--two queen-beds. We all went to our respective beds, lights out, and my wife immediately starts playing with my cock, fondling me, and jerking me off while we all lay talking in the semi-dark. My wife knows what I like, and that's a lot of gentle touch and play for a long time. She was doing a great job and I wondered if she was going to be gutsy enough to push the sheet off my otherwise nude bod (she didn't). After a while, quite a while, her mom says, obviously facing our bed the entire time, that we'd all better get to sleep since we had to get up early the next morn to catch the conference shuttle, but she continued to lie unmoving while my wife went down on me and finished me. Nothing was ever said about any of it.
By #147117 11,Apr,11 12:22
that is nice, your MIL was definitely watching and probably getting really wet. I will be taking my next step in a couple days, heading over the MIL's in two days to see what will happen between us
By slipper [Ignore] 12,Apr,11 13:58 other posts 
Oh yeah, she saw!

By #147052 08,Apr,11 10:23
Haven't talked to mine in 15 years...she is the world's first class bitch!

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