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poor quality pics ?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #135765 [Ignore] 22,Apr,11 14:26
Poor quality pics is more common here than good quality !

I encourage to lift the quality of the photos, that most people are here for.... to enjoy. Report crap pics. Yes, I do have a life besides this..... but I there is too much eye-crap here in my opinion, and I enjoy beautiful photos of. YOU become what you see ;-)

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Similar topics: 1.Points deduction   2.A puzzling observation.....   3.Shall I add more photos?   4.The points mechanism here is pretty dumb.   5.Delete poor quality pics  

By #485312 10,May,15 11:16
theres crappy shots on every amateur site, its the nature of the beest, and theres also the purposely roughed up shots that could be put in that category, vaso lens shots to soften the bad bits sometimes saves us the eyesore for good reason *lix*

By bigone21 [Ignore] 02,Dec,14 17:46 other posts 
i think some people don't mind about what they say, how they write it down, what is in the pic, and what the pic looks like... it's about getting 24 hours attention from a one minute effort...

By teetee [Ignore] 02,Dec,14 16:17 other posts 
better quality like this?
[deleted image]

By #6302 22,Apr,11 15:02
Would be nice to have an editing group to clean the site, I agree. As well, we should be careful about posting teenagers or people who look too young. Few rules about photography could apply: no cell phone pics, no pics from your arm, tripods are working good, no multiples of the same, ...there could be more...
By #124665 15,Dec,13 04:03
Yes because we're all professional penis photographers, who in their right mind would use a camera phone? Blasphemy!
By **FlyingCum** [Ignore] 15,Dec,13 04:39 other posts 
I disagree with saying no multiples of the same. Obviously if the same pic, yes. But if they have taken a few similar pics I think that helps prove who they are. I have found a couple of ppl on here that have completely different pics each time and they tend to be the fake ones. I know this post was about the quality of the pics, but that's just my two cents worth

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