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Being Gay

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #115000 [Ignore] 26,Apr,11 11:30
hy, i just found out that i am Gay.. its kind of Sour and sweet to realise that... How u realised that u were gay>>>>?? put down your stories...

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By Lukas123 [Ignore] 10,Dec,21 20:18 other posts 
I have wife but I have sex with gay I suck this dick but is only one time and I want to try anal sex with same man and I play with butt plugs for this time whan I have anal sex but ass well one time have is feels my ass when dick be inside
If I try every thing one time I’m GAY

By fila1305 [Ignore] 23,May,11 03:05 other posts 
There's a saying that says you can't love someone unless you love yourself first.

And to become the person you can be, you have to know who you are. Accepting your (homo)sexuality is a big step forward in this.

Unfortunately a lot of societies don't let people be theirselves. Let's hope that one day this will be a thing of the past.

In regards to the behaving issue: I totally agree with RatedR. Just be yourself. If guys want to stand half-naked on boats during the Canal-Parade in Amsterdam, then that's their choice. Doesn't mean you have to, just because you're gay.

Just be yourself and enjoy the pleasures of live.

By #156024 27,Apr,11 07:56
Hey guys - take it easy on Gandu - he's from Pakistan and some cultures find it hard to accept homosexuality - he's still young and needs our help - i will message him and help him all i can
By spermkiss [Ignore] 27,Apr,11 16:27 other posts 
MichaelS, what an astute and sympathetic comment to make. You are to be commended for saying this.

Yes, even here in San Francisco where we both live and which is the gay capitol of the universe anti-gay prejudice rears its ugly head from time to time. But here in the USA and in virtually all of the nations of the Western World things are indeed getting better (thank you Dan Savage). Not perfect yet, but getting better.

In other parts of the world things aren't as good. There are still places where a man can be executed for homosexual sex, or even for being admittedly gay. We in the West should extend our hands in friendship to our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters in other parts of the world.

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