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What is your favorite activity to do in the NUDE?

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Started by #126975 [Ignore] 31,May,11 15:29
Besides sex, or lumping with your hand, like gardening, swimming, etc...... I personally do almost everything in the nude, but that is the advantage of living in a nudist resort.

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By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 01,Nov,18 17:18 other posts 
Having a sauna. Although where I go for a sauna, sex is on the menu quite often.

By #570941 01,Nov,18 17:12
Nude is natural and am nude whenever it is possible. Easiest is a sauna park and nude beaches.

By #536019 01,Nov,18 15:35
I love swimming nude.

By #569242 01,Nov,18 14:21
Love being nude. Would be all the time if I could. Lived in rural area when a teenager. Lots of woods where I would go get naked and run around with a hard on for hours, sometimes meeting a neighbor boy for some fun. One time was nude in a clearing in the woods when a small plane flew overhead. They apparently saw me and circled back, so I waved at them and gave them a show by jacking off until I came, which was pretty quick. The plane dipped it's wings at me and then flew off.

By #525566 01,Nov,18 13:11
Masturbate 'till I cum!

By #489480 31,Oct,18 16:54
Everything is better nude but I really like walking outside in nature & swimming nude.

By #545468 30,Oct,18 20:59
I swim, tan, garden, do outdoor chores, use the tractor, mow the lawn, and just about everything in the nude. I love driving nude and answering the door nude. I live on a sixty acre farm that lets me practically live in the nude.

By #59855 31,May,11 23:54
From Matt's Wife: Taking a bath, I love that!
By #7976 05,Jun,11 22:17
I wouldn't mind spending time with you and Matt. That would be an enjoyable day, or night.

By #152962 04,Jun,11 20:02
bloody hell, you all must live in warm climes! I only get nekkid if it gets to more'n 24? - which ain't often here!
By slipper [Ignore] 05,Jun,11 01:54 other posts 
But, those li'l shrunken cocks are nice!
By #23212 05,Jun,11 21:54
'Bloody Hell', at 24?+, I go inside for the air conditioning--too damn hot!! But I suppose at 89 years of age, as you state you are, you are cold a lot, even at that temp.

By #7976 04,Jun,11 19:33
Everything. Except perhaps snowmobiling. It gets a bit too frosty after a while.
By #129941 05,Jun,11 10:27
I'm afraid I have almost done that too, BushPilot. Naturist must be weird.
[deleted image]
By #7976 05,Jun,11 20:49
I think "fun loving" and "free spirited" better describe a naturist.

By #163488 01,Jun,11 18:14
Feed my tropical fish. Dip the tip of my foreskin in the water, drives 'em crazy.
By slipper [Ignore] 05,Jun,11 01:52 other posts 
...and feels SO good when you "get a bite!"

By spermkiss [Ignore] 02,Jun,11 23:03 other posts 
What do I like to do nude? Live my life. I'd be nude 24/7 if I could.

By #166567 02,Jun,11 03:05
This is the kind of question that is designed to attract silly and/or funny responses but seriously ~ my BF gets me to drive the car on a motorway while totally naked - except for my shoes [can't drive without shoes!] His logic ~ if I am driving I can't do anything to cover myself when ogled!
By spermkiss [Ignore] 02,Jun,11 23:02 other posts 
Driving around nude with the convertible top down is wonderful. I've done it dozens of times.

By #102374 02,Jun,11 16:33
I like to do everything naked. If I dont have to have clothes on, I dont. I would be naked all the time if I wouldnt get arrested. I like being naked.

By slipper [Ignore] 02,Jun,11 00:59 other posts 
Kite flying... what do you think?

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 01,Jun,11 12:13 other posts 
I also do everything in the nude,been doing it that way for most oif my adult life,been a nudist for my entire live,Bought a place here in maine that has 4 acers of land and can be nude on ever acer of it

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