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I was among the masses that were circumcised at birth in America. growing up I knew I was circumcised but so were all my friends, we all looked the same. My cock worked just fine and I could orgasm and cum just fine.
then in my late teens..18-19 I met a friend while in the military and he was intact(uncut). I had the chance to see an intact cock up close and it was so different than mine. it was then I noticed that my Glans was brownish and dry but his was pink smooth and shiny.
My friend talked about his orgasms as a slow build up... that swept over his body till be exploded into ejaculation.. where for me it was just a very fast build up in my groin and then ejaculation....no slow build up no body rush....
years later I discovered Foreskin Restoration. I did some research and started my journey restoring my foreskin. as I progressed and gained back enough foreskin to have my glans covered all the time... something amazing happened.
My Glans peeled... just like a sunburn. the layers of Keratin that had built up over the years of exposure, slowly peeled away. my once dry and brownish Glans was now Pink... just like my friend years back.
My orgasms changed as well... I found I could reach orgasm just from lightly brushing my glans with my finger tips...or the gentle spray of water from the shower head. the increase in sensitivity and pleasure was just amazing.
all those years I thought my circumcised penis was "just fine" I never realized how much I was missing till I restored.
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Cant understand guys who got cut voluntarily to reduce sesitivity. Im sure there are other options than a surgery.
For the next month I´m going to do the experiment of keeping my foreskin retracted 24/7 for a long time and we´ll see what happens after a couple of months.
and the arguments for "cutting" most of the times have nothing to do with the function of the penis, but are irrational religious or "cultural" arguments (like: my father is cut, i am cut, so my son will be cut)
i think most cocks, uncut and cut, work!
and so will a car without radio and airconditioning bring you from A to B!
Just like anything, the circumcision operation can be fucked up. And I think this bullshit is coming from guys who had their operations botched. I strongly doubt there is any truth to it, provided that the circumcision is performed correctly by an expert.
One caveat: I was circumcised not long after I was born. I can't speak to what happens if you have it performed much later on in life. One friend had this done when he was in his late teens and has never said anything bad about it. That's all I can speak to, with respect to having it done after childhood.
The "foreskin protects the sensitivity of the glans" arguement sounds good in theory, but in practice it just doesn't hold up. I challenge all the pro-foreskin people to do an internet search of "sensitivity of the penis". You will find dozens of articles addressing the very issues that WristThick mentioned: oversensitivity and premature ejaculation. And this in a nation where circumcision is widely practiced. Articles on lack of sensitivity are almost non-existant. If circumcision reduces sensitivity and sexual pleasure, why aren't men complaining about it?
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Over the years, I've observed that the guys who were happy with their foreskins but got talked into getting cut later in in life (by a doc, girlfriend, or boyfriend)are the guys most likely to feel that circumcision compromised their sexual pleasure. Conversely, guys who disliked their foreskins and CHOSE to be cut later in life are likely to feel that sex is better being cut. I've had it both ways and prefer cut - but I had WANTED to be cut since I first started peeing behind garages with (always cut) neighbor boys. I will say that cut and uncut feel DIFFERENT. IMO the BRAIN decides whether the change was for the better or the worse.
As for the brain being the largest and most important sex organ, yes, of course it is.
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