Play Ball!

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This is just a game, see rules at the bottom.

Jaymzbi42 has the Ball

showingoff passed the ball clean to Jaymzbi42 at 16,Nov,24 23:58

Jamie passed the ball clean to showingoff at 16,Nov,24 23:53

Jamie took the ball from DukeLube at 16,Nov,24 23:52

Lookarund passed the ball clean to DukeLube at 16,Nov,24 22:43

bella! passed the ball clean to Lookarund at 16,Nov,24 22:41

bella! took the ball from Noname at 16,Nov,24 22:41

dgraff passed the ball clean to Noname at 16,Nov,24 21:39

dgraff took the ball from Cockringlover at 16,Nov,24 21:38

Marc12345 passed the ball clean to Cockringlover at 16,Nov,24 20:35

010Balls010 passed the ball clean to Marc12345 at 16,Nov,24 20:30

010Balls010 took the ball from FatCock_Ita at 16,Nov,24 20:30

Screwloose passed the ball clean to FatCock_Ita at 16,Nov,24 19:23

WizzaStick passed the ball clean to Screwloose at 16,Nov,24 19:12

WizzaStick took the ball from dedoc at 16,Nov,24 19:11

#725536 passed the ball clean to dedoc at 16,Nov,24 17:10

mr_blue passed the ball clean to #725536 at 16,Nov,24 17:06

mr_blue took the ball from TiffanyThompson at 16,Nov,24 17:05

Dougal passed the ball (spoiled!) to TiffanyThompson at 16,Nov,24 16:05

Dougal took the ball from crazytown at 16,Nov,24 16:04

raider8 passed the ball clean to crazytown at 16,Nov,24 15:04

raider8 took the ball from Allday13 at 16,Nov,24 15:03

Gina1 passed the ball clean to Allday13 at 16,Nov,24 13:31

Gina1 took the ball from Tommotino at 16,Nov,24 13:31

smallgamer passed the ball clean to Tommotino at 16,Nov,24 12:29

vanregularguy passed the ball clean to smallgamer at 16,Nov,24 12:17

vanregularguy took the ball from KaMiHo at 16,Nov,24 12:17

choubite21 passed the ball clean to KaMiHo at 16,Nov,24 11:14

marcangel passed the ball clean to choubite21 at 16,Nov,24 11:13

meatyguy passed the ball clean to marcangel at 16,Nov,24 11:06

xtc1 passed the ball clean to meatyguy at 16,Nov,24 11:02


Warning: These rules can be changed any time if some attunement is required.
The player who has the ball can pass it to any member currently online.
If the ball is passed "unspoiled" 5 times to new players after this, initial player gets +30 points. Otherwise initial player gets nothing.
The pass is "spoiled" if the ball is passed to any member who touched the ball during last 30 rounds. Also, if the ball is taken from any player and not passed, it's also "spoiled".
If a player with the ball does not pass it to anyone during 1 hour, the ball can be taken by any other member any time. The member who takes the ball instantly gets +5 points (only once per 24 hours, all other takes do not grant points). But if the member who took the ball does not pass it to someone else and let it be taken they lose 10 points (this does not apply to the case when the ball was passed to the player).