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Winter Storms

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By dhk62 [Ignore] 08,Feb,13 23:49   Pageviews: 45

Im a good Michiganian (gander is official, but i protest) i hid under a blanket with my crazy cat till the snow plows stopped running. then i pulled my fresh clean car out of the garage. Michiganians understand this : wash the old crud off to get ready for the new. oh, 4 or 5 inches
South of Flint

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By #433119 [Ignore] 01,Dec,13 20:30
I think michiganians know what cold feels like, I'm in Detroit, MI and being in the school district they never close school, we fight the cold

By bella! [Ignore] 10,Feb,13 11:11
You must surrender your "Man Card". I have made the almost 50 mile trek to work every day. The travel along M29 is horrendous......and I live in St. Clair Country.

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