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By bikev [Ignore] 07,Dec,14 06:07   Pageviews: 81

Pleased to report that my gaping hole is back to normal after being stretched wide during my visit to the UK. Well it was until I had a mammoth session last night. I have never known so many horny tops in one place at the same time. Every time one pulled out of me another one seemed to take his place. At one stage I had two in my love tube, one in my mouth and was wanking two others before they took over fucking me. Didn't get home till almost 6 am now I am getting ready to go out again. Some of the guys from last night told me they will bring some of their friends with them today. Yes please.

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By 2pierced [Ignore] 17,Jun,20 07:42
WOW, what an absolutely awesome time you must've had!

By #500097 [Ignore] 14,Nov,15 15:54
Lucky bastard...

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