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By firefox553 [Ignore] 21,Dec,17 09:41   Pageviews: 364

Have you noticed how the ladies on the site how their faces a lot more then the men do. Why is that, me I dont care if some one sees me on the street on my town it has already happened. So why do the men hide their faces.

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By #251335 [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 17:04
i think because some women on here are really guys so seeing girls faces does'nt bother them

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 18,Jun,20 20:02
I don't know because if they were on this site I want to meet them

By Greenman1968 [Ignore] 11,Feb,20 07:31
Judgement by those that may know them. Could have face revealed if asked in a PM or posts for friends only

By #493361 [Ignore] 21,Dec,17 22:15
Probably because most of the "women" on this site are fake
By #570308 [Ignore] 19,Oct,19 13:48
True that

By #570308 [Ignore] 19,Oct,19 13:47
Well, being that it's social media and you just never know what kind of sick fucks are out no one..

By #495939 [Ignore] 23,Apr,18 10:43
Very simple answer not only on here but on other sites as well very few are verified and the others are Fakes or scammers. Personally i fail to see the point as they get found out eventually

By Jackmeoff [Ignore] 18,Apr,18 07:36
HELL, I figure that showing your face..might help you get laid in your town..

By #527723 [Ignore] 21,Dec,17 17:03
I think it might be because they have high profile jobs, they don't want anyone they know to see this side of them or they are doing something behind their S.O's back.

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