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Sex stories that turn you on

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By saucyman [Ignore] 02,Mar,18 18:58   Pageviews: 222

Hi there everyone!
I was just reading a personal favorite story of mine, and got to thinking if anyone else reads sexy tales and if so, do they have any that they go back and re-read?

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Here is a link to one I particularly enjoy (I am unsure of these kind of links are allowed, if not I apologize).

I hope that if you read it then you find it as erotic as myself! Following on what are your own favorite naughty stories?

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By #532251 [Ignore] 04,Oct,19 14:56
Thanks for posting the link. I'm really enjoying it.

By #595788 [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 18:45
I post stories on literotica. Good site for some wank fodder reads.

By pipcock [Ignore] 24,Feb,19 20:47
Hey! That is one great long sexy story. I enjoy literotica but usually go for the harder stuff (reluctance) but tis was grest!

By PoloFields [Ignore] 22,Mar,18 20:48
Love the stories on Literotica.

By #482237 [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 07:28
Hahaha, it's different, nice story

By #514354 [Ignore] 02,Mar,18 20:00

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