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Spelling mistakes

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 03,Apr,18 14:14   Pageviews: 67

I am not a native English speaking person,Flemish born!

I speak and write in an acceptable way in the English language!

It's only when i look at all these great cocks and want to leave a comment to compliment the owners of those fine looking cocks, just to be polite ofcourse, that i make so many spelling mistakes!

I just don't know why that happens!

Maybe someone can explain that to me?

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By #56076 [Ignore] 12,Apr,18 11:34
Try usin g both h ands on the keyboard like i try t o.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 12,Apr,18 11:39
Hey, where else would my hands be?
By #56076 [Ignore] 12,Apr,18 12:28
Good point!

By #542930 [Ignore] 07,Apr,18 17:15
Yes English is my first language but I too make spelling mistakes when I get excited when seeing a great cock &/or great body so it is not just you.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 07,Apr,18 18:22
Phew glad i am not alone! Yes , let's just blame those great looking men with their sexy bodies and big cocks!

By pifad [Ignore] 03,Apr,18 14:38
You probably are thinking with your other head No worries, I like it
By up-for-it [Ignore] 03,Apr,18 17:27

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