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Freckly Red Haired Woman

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By dave123 [Ignore] 04,Aug,18 16:27   Pageviews: 79

I had an affair with a red head girl once.... It was 20 years ago, I was 20, I thought she was around the same age, she worked in a little cafe that I frequented on my lunch break, her name was Becky. She was stunning, long flowing red hair, intense freckles and pale skin, simply magnificent. We went out as part of a group one night and I was the designated driver. We had a laugh and there was some chemistry. I gave her a lift home, we arrived at this big house, I assumed was her parents house, just outside an RAF (Royal Air ****) base around 15 miles from my home town. She invited me in. Obviously I went in. She jumped on me, we had a few hours of crazy sex until early the next day. We did this a few more time, each time the sex was more intense. After the 3rd or 4th time this happened I discovered that the house wasn't her parents, that in fact it was hers and her husband, yes, she was married, she was 30, not 20, and he was in the RAF. She begged me to carry on seeing her and I did, for about 5 years until he was posted somewhere else. It was amazing, she was was incredible, I miss it, I miss her. I saw her about a year ago, she looked exactly the same as she did 20 years ago, she hadn't aged a bit, she knew I wanted her. She sure lived up to the reputation.

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By #522000 [Ignore] 25,Sep,18 05:52
You were a very lucky lad xxxx
By tb1 [Ignore] 21,Aug,19 18:06
You sure were lucky

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