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distasteful, unpalatable, unappetizing, unsavory, disgusting, nasty

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 12:45   Pageviews: 115

Don't read this if you are squeamish!

I warned you, don't complain if you do read this

I sneezed while typing a comment and i saw there was something sticking to my laptop screen afterwards.

Be disgusted now but don't come complaining, i warned you!!!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Oct,18 05:03
I read the title and immediately thought you had met my ex wife!!
By up-for-it [Ignore] 08,Oct,18 11:38

By pifad [Ignore] 07,Oct,18 23:13
Did the sticky come from your mouth, nose or cock?
By up-for-it [Ignore] 08,Oct,18 01:16
It came from my nose!
By pifad [Ignore] 08,Oct,18 01:52

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