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Local people!

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 14:55   Pageviews: 82

I have seen the remark here many times.
Hooking up with local people from this site is difficult!

Sometimes i wonder if all the people who say they would meet up, really would if they actually could!

I am, like many of you also on local sites and it's very hard to meet up with someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hundreds of mails to local people and they are very willing to meet and have al sorts of great fantasies they want to do with you.... but when it comes to an actual meeting; it goes silent ,most of the time!

Just wish i could find local people who do what they say!

But i am not the only one wishing that, am i???????

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By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Aug,19 03:54
I have never hooked up with someone after meeting them here. I do however have two friends who joined after meeting me though. One in person for some cock sucking fun three times and one on line in a city near where I live who I hope to meet some day.

By onthelose [Ignore] 14,Oct,18 23:27
Well, I guess I am one of those people. I chat for awhile and let’s meet comes up and I freeze. Am I good enough, am I too small, in experienced, what’s he going to be like will I like what I see and how he acts,on and on.E ventually I stop talking and move on. I guess I m kidding myself that I will really go through whit it. My experience was totally different at the bath house. I could pick and choose bas ed on the vibsI got.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 15,Oct,18 01:36
I have seen that reason in mails too. Guys saying i hope i will dare to go through with it,certainly when they say they have never been with a man before

I do understand that, i am nervous too meeting someone this way for the first time.

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