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By yoursayathotmail [Ignore] 23,Oct,18 09:15   Pageviews: 547

I love getting on this site and looking at everyones pics and commenting and getting comments and clicking on everything. I wish I could get my wife interested. She was as interested in sex as I am for many years but these days it just doesn't happen much. I often read this while she walks in and out, hoping she will "catch" me and start looking. She knows, but acts like she doesn't. Would love to post some stuff together. It just ain't gonna happen. Oh well I can fantasise

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By #700043 [Ignore] 07,Oct,23 04:04
Keep Smiling

By #677384 [Ignore] 08,May,23 22:18
Hmmmm....me too...very sexy vids and pics btw....I would be happy to go live on skype for you so she can catch you watching me naked....just a thought. Let me know if I can help you brotha....PM me anytime..mmmm

By Fucktoy [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 10:26
Hi mine knows i
show her pictures and will let me show her nice big cocks or sexy guys. And there comments about her but she really doesn't go on it herself. Even if I'm on she's not interested.

By #559659 [Ignore] 10,Dec,21 01:02
Isn't that true for a lot of us such a pity

By surferharry [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 21:43
daydreams are sexy

By #144674 [Ignore] 12,Dec,19 07:49
Sorry mate I've been in the same boat since I was 60 now 76 just keep beating the meat

By mountainman2 [Ignore] 22,Jul,19 15:28
Boy, do I feel you there, would Love to do this together

By crazydiamond [Ignore] 27,Dec,18 14:44
Sorry about your predicament. I have the same issue with my wife. Sex seems a thing of the past!

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