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I don't get it

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 05,Apr,19 14:56   Pageviews: 78

I really don't

I have been chatting with a guy for a couple of weeks on a local site, maybe twice a week or so.

All sorts of topics, really fun

Now he thinks we are in a relationship and feels i am cheating because i talk to other guys. I have told him from the beginning i don' t want a relationship I want to have fun with friends!

Why is that so hard to understand for some?

And a relationship after a couple of chats, we never even met!!!

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By #554242 [Ignore] 13,Apr,19 19:20
I am sorry, but that is kind of funny! Sad on his part, but funny. From the beginning, a piece of advice I have taken to heart is to never build expectations. And, pretty much, none of us here - man or woman - are seeking a relationship. Not the right site for that. Porn/chat sites are fun material to rub one off to. Sometimes, to meet and share a sexual experience. That's it. If a couple hits it off after a few encounters, more power to them. But Damn! To get jealous over us talking sex with others on this site, that's not good.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 14,Apr,19 05:23
You are right;sad but funny!
Not the first time this has happened to me. I don't build expectations,always very clear in what i want,But some guys just see things that aren't there i guess!
By #570308 [Ignore] 19,Apr,19 10:43
If you'd met, I'd say you fucked him too good, but apparently, only chatting he's pretty desperate for something. And ya, it's sad, just hope you didn't share anything too personal with him. He could prove to be dangerous possibly...
By up-for-it [Ignore] 19,Apr,19 10:48
Yes you are right! I never give personal stuff if we are only chatting,not even my full name!Too many weirdos around,better safe than sorry!
By #570308 [Ignore] 19,Apr,19 11:31
Smart choice....good luck with him...
By up-for-it [Ignore] 19,Apr,19 14:07
Haven't heard from him since, i guess his infatuation was short lived!
By #570308 [Ignore] 19,Apr,19 14:41
Good for you

By #535695 [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 09:27
So, have you two set a date yet. Remind him that June brides are lovely. LOL
By up-for-it [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 09:33
Are you coming to the wedding? It's going to be a great party!

By #523015 [Ignore] 05,Apr,19 19:08
I know exactly what you mean. I am attracted to so many people that I can't imagine limiting myself
By up-for-it [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 08:57
Excactly, i want to taste different flavours!

By cumonme1 [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 07:36
Time to move on, you don't need a jealous individual telling you what you can or cannot do.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 08:55
Already moved on!

I am sure he won't even try to contact me when i don't contact him He praised me as the best man in the world, but never started a chat himself

Well there's all types of people, he isn't my type!

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