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Sexbuddies; the story continues

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 01,May,19 14:37   Pageviews: 89

As you may or may not have read here before i found a sexbuddy who is into bondage/sm

We decided to look for others to play with, do more, have fun with....

So we are active on different local sites looking for guys who are into bondage or just want to have some fun together.

We have found many who promise tell all kinds of stories, make claims of experience...

But when we say OK you are welcome to come and meet us it turns silent or they agree to meet but don't show up.

Today was a day off here in Belgium, i chatted with many guys, but none seem to be making more than promises.

How good it will be when we find a guy who will do more than promise,but delivers!

And how eager we will be to make him feel good ,whatever he wants to do!

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