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Gay sauna; yeah still going!

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 12,Jul,19 14:48   Pageviews: 94

Yeah, i spend a lovely afternoon in the sauna last sunday!

Two things stood out for me.

One: a guy i like and had sex with a couple of weeks a go was there, we said hello, he was talking to some guys.I had a drink and went to enjoy the sauna. Just before i decided to take a look upstairs to see if any action was going on i noticed him and i felt he was there for me. I went upstairs had a look and there he was following me so i stopped, to see what he what do, he hesitated but after a couple of minutes he approuched stood before me moved his head closer to me and gave me a look that left no doubts; he wanted sex !

We started kissing and carressing eachother and after some enjoyable minutes we went into a private cabin. Not going to tell you the details, but it was hot!

I am still not the most confident man so when a man picks me out from a crowd of willing men it does feel very good. And believe me he has choice there, being a regular for years and even works there at times, he is popular with the crowd.

Second thing: I saw two young guys making love in the mirrored room. That was absolutely beautiful, two young sexy bodies making love, a man joined for a while wich they liked and enjoyed. Whatching all of that, those great young sexy bodies close to eachother just wonderfull to watch, and i wasn't the only one, a couple of other guys were enjoying the show too !

Saw many more beautiful things that day, it was a beautiful day!

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By Mowgli999 [Ignore] 13,Jul,19 15:03
Sounds like a fantastic time I hope your confidence builds, you're sexy, you just need to know it! I'd like to see you and a guy in the mirrored room
By up-for-it [Ignore] 13,Jul,19 20:44
Having men giving me attention really builds my confidence, ans when i know they have a choice of men and they choose me that really feels good.

For years i thought men wouldn't be attrackted to me, weird how the mind works sometimes, isn't it?
By luvmyboner [Ignore] 03,Aug,19 12:26
you are very sexy,
By up-for-it [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 06:18

By wmw6cut [Ignore] 14,Jul,19 16:08
Damn, I wish Nashville had a place like that...i would luv hanging with all guys fantasy would be, me leaning over the hot tub and having any hard dick that wanted it drill me hard and deep as others watched
By up-for-it [Ignore] 15,Jul,19 01:33
A lot of fantasies come true in a place like that ! A couple of mine have.

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