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!st Time Question???

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By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 25,Sep,19 17:00   Pageviews: 132

I am very new to all this cock play stuff as the other entries will tell everyone. I have a serious question for anyone with even some experience at this! Never had a real cock in my ass! Should I try a long thin one the 1st time and have it balls deep up there? Or should I look for a normal sized cock that is not too thick for my 1st try at it. I want to like it and do it more than one time so looking for some suggestions please!!!

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By onthelose [Ignore] 26,Sep,19 00:31
My suggestion would be that you try a toy first and see how it goes. After all your ass isn't a pussy that is meant to fuck. You will have to stretch yourself and clean yourself out before you go for anything with another person.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 23,Nov,19 21:09
I know all this! Also have had a cpl of gals peg me with various strapons! That was why I am interested in trying the real thing. I would like to have a real cock up my ass at least a cpl of times for the fun of it. So not too big or thick to start with others have told me.
By #172995 [Ignore] 03,Nov,20 16:33
The secret of painfree anal is to be fully comfortable and relaxed with your partner before he tries to penetrate you. As long as you are fully comfortable and relaxed with your partner, it doesn't matter how thick a top's cock is.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 04,Nov,20 19:17
Some gals love to have a huge cock shoved in with minimal lube and balls deep every time as well. Coke can sized cocks are enjoyed by a few as well. Most though only like normal thickness and it can be longer but it must be done slow and with some patients until it is fully in her butt I have been told
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 21,Dec,20 00:34
Might like to try it your way though

By #172995 [Ignore] 07,Jul,20 13:00
The diameter of the top's penis doesn't matter. The secret of enjoyable, pain-fee anal is for the bottom to be totally relaxed and comfortable with a trusted partner. A relaxed anus can easily stretch up fo 7 inches in diameter.

Use lots of lube for both cock and anus. Albolene (sold as a makeup remover) is the best lube for barebacking.

Silicone butt plugs like a Tantus Neo or Tantus Juice (with lots of lube) can train your anus to relax.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 27,Oct,20 21:10
So if I can take a medium sized but plug I should be able to take most cocks for the fun if it? How about the depth it goes in my ass? I think I want to be fucked what I have been told is balls deep but not sure if the deeper it goes the better it feels or if it matters at all after the 1st few inches! ???
By #172995 [Ignore] 01,Nov,20 03:07
Start out with a small butt plug first. The purpose of a butt plug is to relax your anal sphincter and get you used to being penetrated. Nerves are around your anus, not inside. The first inch of cock is mainly all that you will fell.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 01,Nov,20 19:37
So it matters not if the guy is hung like a horse in length? I will not feel much more than the 1st 1 inch? If the is correct I already feel sorry. I want a guy to fuck me what they cll balls deep and to feel it all the way in!
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 02,Nov,20 12:49
How about you helping me strt out with this!!!
By #172995 [Ignore] 03,Nov,20 16:25
Different strokes for different folks. While balls deep doesn't do anything for me, some bottoms can cum from a top's cock massaging (or rubbing against) their prostate.

By #588327 [Ignore] 26,Sep,19 00:41
Get a prostate massager. They make your orgasms more intense so you can see how it feels first
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 23,Nov,19 21:11
Have one and used to use it a few times and it was fun! I told the other guy that strapons have been in my ass as well by a cpl of ladies including my wife a few times. That is why I want a real tool to show me how it feels!

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