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cut or uncut

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By cockforcock [Ignore] 03,Dec,19 23:22   Pageviews: 286

i've created a poll to try and establish whether being cut is related to a certain era and age group. please vote and let's see

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By Raypark [Ignore] 27,Jul,24 08:01
I’m cut but pissed, prefer uncut for looks and pleasure, keeps the knob moist, protects it, and you don’t loose the thousands of nerve endings to give you pleasure. I am restoring my foreskin as I have lost much sensitivity of the glands due to it being exposed and rubbing on clothing. It will not be completely like my original foreskin as it doesn’t bring back the thousands of nerve endings. Masterbating and intercourse is much better with a foreskin from my experience. I have gained significant skin while restoring so far but intend to continue restoring until my glands is completely covered with erection.
I was cut so tight as a baby, when I started getting erections as a teenager until my mid twenties, the skin between my gland and the scarring from circumcision would stretch so tight and the skin would split open and bleed. Only with time did it stretch enough so it wouldn’t split open and bleed. I am so against circumcision because of my experience and for the fact that boys are born with a foreskin for a reason, it should not be cut off for any reason other than medical reason. My first born was cut because my wife insisted for tradition but the second was not circumcised as I put my foot down and insisted he remained intact. He’s never had any issues at all and he’s 25.

By #578931 [Ignore] 05,Dec,19 14:56
I was born in the uK in 1940, I'm uncut and as far as I know so were all my school comtemporaries. I've never had a woman yet who has seen an uncut cock.
By alanhuk [Ignore] 04,Nov,22 08:10
Born 6 years later in UK and unut...all my class was the dad was a baby,normal then! In UK majority are still uncut other than for medical or religious reasons...not generally. I dont like idea of being cut just for the sake of it. If at 18+ a guts wants it done...go for it...your choice as an adult!! Al

By #342851 [Ignore] 15,Sep,21 11:49
I love my foreskin and my throbbing purple cockhead

By #342851 [Ignore] 15,Sep,21 11:49
I have a phimosis but wouldn't be without my tight foreskin
By MM_DD [Ignore] 30,Dec,21 07:34
Your foreskin is a treasure. Never let anyone make you feel otherwise!
By #636724 [Ignore] 30,Jan,22 13:33

By 3fdfd [Ignore] 12,Jan,20 07:31
A cock can be beautiful either cut or uncut. I guess shape, length and especially thickness are what is most important, but a foreskin is an added bonus. That's about looks. To have a foreskin or not have a foreskin is something I can't comment on since I haven't had one since I was a baby.
By MM_DD [Ignore] 30,Dec,21 07:35
Totally agree with you, buddy.

By #612994 [Ignore] 23,May,20 21:21
I prefer cut but do not mind uncut as long as you can fully retract the foreskin when erect to expose the head completely.
By #342851 [Ignore] 15,Sep,21 11:50
Like this

By #498133 [Ignore] 30,Apr,21 22:00
Uncut and would never change that

By #571593 [Ignore] 01,Apr,21 04:34
Circumcised at 35 and I love my new look!
By cockforcock [Ignore] 02,Apr,21 00:26
what is the reason for you to have your foreskin removed at such a late stage?
By #571593 [Ignore] 02,Apr,21 09:22
Always wanted a cut look and it took me that long to get the balls to complete a dream!

By #611186 [Ignore] 07,May,20 09:24
Born 1956, my mother decided to have me circumcised as an infant. My father was uncircumcised and I don't think she cared for that. American women seem to have accepted a circumcised penis as normal, and my GF wouldn't have it any other way. She loves my exposed shroom and really enjoys giving me head.

By 3fdfd [Ignore] 11,Jan,20 23:08
Born in New York in 1942. Most guys that I grew up with were circumcised buy a couple weren't.
By cockforcock [Ignore] 11,Jan,20 23:12
and do you think it's better to be cut or uncut?

By cockforcock [Ignore] 20,Dec,19 23:08
ok, here are my thoughts on this poll:
1. most guys on syd are cut
2. most guys who voted are below 35(35 voted)
3. out of 24 votes, guys older than 60, 3 times more are cut
4. strangely, only one guys under 20 voted. i actually hoped for more

any comments??

By #480031 [Ignore] 09,Dec,19 23:04
birn 1954 Australia uncut

By snowflake [Ignore] 05,Dec,19 17:15
I was born in 1971 and I'm uncut, like my uncut cock

By #592842 [Ignore] 05,Dec,19 06:40
Also uncut and proud of it

By cockforcock [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 22:43
i find that it is more the middle aged guys voting. where are all the youngsters?

By PITBULL [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 22:08
cut and I hate it

By german_guy [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 15:24
I am german and uncut, which I am glad for

By #595638 [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 14:06
Born in 55 uncut here! In the usa

By new2day [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 09:45
Born in the UK in 1969, I was cut as a boy, aged 4 or 5 I believe. I'm against the practice in children unless it's medically required, once you're 18 you can decide for yourself!

When I see pics of uncut cocks I can clearly see how much smoother the glans is since it's protected from clothing by the foreskin.

By #588327 [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 07:59
I was born in 1971 and was cut. I think today guys talk about it a lot more because we can on places like this. You can see how guys that are cut, how dry the gland is and how rough the skin is as guys get older. If I had a son I would not have him cut.

By #583549 [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 05:38
I was born in 1960 in the USA and I was cut.I love the way my cock still looks at age 59! :x

By #518391 [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 04:05
Circumcision was certainly popular when I grew up in South Africa in the 50s and 60s, as it was in Australia and New Zealand...and probably almost universal in the US. It was also fashionable in the Uk but stopped as a free service on the NHS in early 50s. I sported a foreskin until I was 65, when it chopped off because of balanitis problems...I'm really enjoying my new status!

By #565685 [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 03:43
Happily and proudly cut my current age:32

By #598073 [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 00:50

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