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By routemaster [Ignore] 09,Feb,20 05:39   Pageviews: 76

Good morning all, I have been having computer problems for a few days, yesterday I had the devil's own job to get google chrome to start so I could get up windows explorer to get into SYD. I gave up after half an hour, went for a shower and then fixed myself some coffee and then, when I got back to the comp, it had started up of its own free will. How weird is that? So I need to dig into my millions (!) and buy a new laptop, this is a warning sign that this comp is about to die on me, after all its quite old now. I think its the one Noah used to log all his animals on! So just wanted to apologise if you have sent messages or pics and you don't hear from me, I'm not deliberately ignoring you but I may not be able to access SYD for awhile. However, I'm keeping the comp on standby and will try to get into the site tomorrow and as many days after as I can. I hope you are all well and enjoying a HOT HORNY weekend. All the best for now, Luv RM xxxxx

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By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 09,Feb,20 10:23
an up grade is a good thing now days

By tb1 [Ignore] 09,Feb,20 07:00
happy shopping buddy

By Robben [Ignore] 09,Feb,20 06:50
Let the old computer rest in peace- it has served you well in several years. It has shared all with you, all what you have looked at on Internet. What comes next? Routemaster 10.0?

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