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Removing face pics

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By firefox553 [Ignore] 09,Jun,20 12:23   Pageviews: 224

To all my visitors I’m sorry I had to delete my pics with my face showing something has come up in my life and I can not afford to have myself visible on the site.

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By #570308 [Ignore] 09,Sep,21 11:25
I never show my face, only to select apology needed or necessary

By #603370 [Ignore] 10,Jun,20 16:11
Absolutely. I never show my face, not even surroundings that could identify me. And I'm not a paranoid conspiracy guy, but it could impact someone's career, if they apply for a sensitive job. Just not worth the risk. I think it is terribly unwise for anyone to show face, with or without genitals, on a site like this.
By firefox553 [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 09:50
Thanks for the support
By #603370 [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 22:04
I also don't want family or friends to identify me, you never know who's looking at what.

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 10,Jun,20 12:16
Who cares what you look like I don't look past the waist anyway
By firefox553 [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 09:50
Thanks for the support

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 11,Jun,20 08:00
that sucks. we all want the same things its who we are, why do there aways havt to be rules and conditions when it comes to what we all do for fun. I wish you luck bro. We know there's a face behind every nude picture so its all good just to show off the goods . a nude person is a lovely thing we all were born that way, and so were the ones how had sex too.
By firefox553 [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 09:50
Thanks for the support

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jun,20 12:41
Showing a face in pictures where genitalia is also shown is something that members really need to think about and consider prior to posting. The fact that "something came up" makes it easy to understand why you decided to remove those pictures.

I'm sure your friends and visitors understand and respect your decision and that life here and in reality are not compromised!
By firefox553 [Ignore] 09,Jun,20 12:44
Thank you for that Bella glad someone understands life comes first

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