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Remembering My First Ejaculation

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By CircPlay [Ignore] 02,Nov,21 20:12   Pageviews: 154

As a young kid my friends and I dumpster dived at a local hotel where we would find tons of slut magazines. All brand new so we took them home. In the morning before getting picked up for school I would lay rubbing my cock jacking through my long foreskin through my pants while thumbing through the mags. At that age I would reach a dry cum and I could rub and rub to achieve the same spasm feeling over and over. I would do this until my ride honked its horn telling me it’s time to go to school.

One day I was going at it as usual and right as I heard the car horn I spasm but felt my pants get soaking wet like I pissed my pants. Yep, it was my first load and no time to change so I had to go to school with wet pants.

What I have learned into my adulthood is I can massage my foreskin through the towel and shoot a big load while flexing my legs and squeezing my buttocks laying on my back. I can start back up again to build up and shoot more feeling it from coming deep inside my balls. A little more juice with nice spasms. I love the throbbing spasms and what little cum I can extract. I would lay there for a long time working up a good sweat. This would continue until I would dry cum feeling the head expand throbbing through my shaft and spasms reminding me of what I felt before I could produce any cum. Many nights were done this way falling a sleep with my exhausted cock and foreskin in the palm of my hand.

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By #628350 [Ignore] 10,Nov,21 15:09
Great description, even now I get the same feelings with 7 to 8 pulses but sadly no longer the same amount of cum, eve so life is still great.
By CircPlay [Ignore] 10,Nov,21 15:11
Yes I would keep rubbing it even after I have cum and I would just continue to dry cum with the same feelings just no juice

By alanhuk [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 03:29
Hot to share this..thx!
By alanhuk [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 04:09
Reminds me...what I call the "point if no return" when the serious waves start. Whether full onnoenetrative sex with a man or woman of masturbation by yourself or another, my cock gets harder and wetter, balksac tighter, nipples hard and proud..then as the waves start and become more frequent and intense, orgasm!
Head back, a loud gasp and you and partner are wet with man juice maybe a number of it feels good from first time ever as a teenager to the most recent...a fabulous overwhelming feeling!!! Al
By CircPlay [Ignore] 10,Nov,21 12:16
Yes great added descriptions ones I did not include and always pointing the toes flexing those legs and buttocks to feel the swelling and pulsing of the head and shaft making the foreskin tighter as the head swells putting more pressure on stretching the frenulum
By alanhuk [Ignore] 10,Nov,21 14:14
Yes to all you say!!!!

By PITBULL [Ignore] 02,Nov,21 20:42
How old were you when you have your first ejaculation?
By CircPlay [Ignore] 02,Nov,21 20:48
I had to of been 9 or 10… it was 4th or 5th grade.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 02,Nov,21 20:56 have early puberty! Most guys ejaculate around 11 or 12.

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