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Beyond circ play I do love masturbation so I get create to find things to p

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By CircPlay [Ignore] 02,Feb,22 17:08   Pageviews: 124

Many were asking what this is and how it’s used….
It’s a 2700 high RPM with 30 level speed control percussion massager. Comes with 17 different massage heads so with the right attachment I can dock with it and it will vibrate my foreskin like crazy activating all the specialized nerve endings and frenulum at once. Overwhelming It will make me cum and drain my balls in minutes!

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By oldgray69 [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 12:39
A percussion massager is a lot of fun. Love running the y fitting up and down my cock.
By CircPlay [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 15:40
I bet if you hit that underside where the frenulum is it would get yah? Go for the max RPM and let the cum fly!

By #610414 [Ignore] 02,Feb,22 17:15
I don’t know. It looks like you need an experienced carpenter.
By CircPlay [Ignore] 02,Feb,22 17:20
Thanks for the comment made me laugh but let’s see I do believe my wife is a great carpenter… I wonder if she would use this tool on my foreskin?
By #610414 [Ignore] 02,Feb,22 18:47

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