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on line, then camping again

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By oldgray69 [Ignore] 19,Feb,22 20:58   Pageviews: 81

Was on FB the other day talking to a friend of the wife. Weather came up. We were having a very nice sunny day with a light breeze and 85 deg temps. She said that she got 8.5 inches of the white stuff. That set my mind going on a fantasy. I have met her, nice looking, descent shape and nice looking grapefruit size tits. I was home alone so I tuned into some MILF porn and found one that kind of looked like her and had a good time. This is not normal for me, but it felt great. horny 24/7. This next week I take my RV to a campground 35 miles from the house, to go through it and make sure every thing is working like it should. Wife said she has things at home on a few days and will not be there. Might just see what I can find

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By knewbi [Ignore] 03,Mar,22 13:14
Good luck and do share the results..

By onthelose [Ignore] 02,Mar,22 00:10
Good luck on your search.

By #660822 [Ignore] 20,Feb,22 11:52
DAMN! Here I am in Michigan wishing I could meet with you in your RV so we could see how our cocks would fit in 69.
By oldgray69 [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 12:44
you do not have any pictures posted , so i would not know
By #660822 [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 20:17
Still trying to satisfy SYD age/ID requirements so I can post anything.

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