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Last night

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By oldgray69 [Ignore] 11,Jun,22 16:00   Pageviews: 96

I went to bed after 1am. This is a normal time for me. Like watching "my" shows after everyone is asleep. For some reason my dick was semi hard and I had to give it a squeeze every now and than. I was keeping me awake. Could not sleep. Sex on the brain. Slipped on my robe and went o my computer room. Turned on some porn.
I enjoyed myself for about a half hour. This was unusual because I had stroked one out earlier in the day. Horny is as horny does

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By #662360 [Ignore] 11,Aug,22 16:55
Same happens to me. In the recent hot weather I can’t sleep so I sit up downstairs reading. Alone in the small hours I inevitably browse porn and start to play with my dick. Soon I’m up vertical hard. I stroke one off and shoot a decent load of cum.
By oldgray69 [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 14:41
I think it is the great American pass time

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