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By GeorgiaP [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 18:07   Pageviews: 56

If you wonder if I have done it, ask. If I have I might write a story on it.

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By nekekal [Ignore] 08,Nov,23 12:54
So, have you ever solicited? I never solicited, but was picked up in a bar by some guy who wanted to suck my cock. I let him, but charged him. I later that night spent my newfound wealth on renting a female prostitute who tried to drug and rob me, but that is another story.

By phoenix6 [Ignore] 08,Nov,23 10:29
Really enjoy your writing, more please!

By GeorgiaP [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 22:39
My pussy used to squirt many years ago, but now at my advanced age I do not. I can get pretty wet, though.

By Thickandfat [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 22:36
Does your pussy squirt too

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 21:45
'Always enjoyed your writing.

By GeorgiaP [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 20:49
I live on Lake Oconee, Greensboro GA

By Timpeter [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 19:06
I love reading your stories Georgia ..but iwas widowed 8 yrs ago just trying to get back into sexuality ..i love your eloquent way with words Georgiammmmmmmm
By Timpeter [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 19:07
How do you like my long Thin Cock and My ShavedBullBalls Georgiammmmmm
By Timpeter [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 19:08
Im in St Louis n Widowed in a large estates where yu at Georgia?

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