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Toilet Slut

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By GeorgiaP [Ignore] 15,Nov,23 22:32   Pageviews: 98

Pure Degradation

100% True, told you my husband was a sicko.

I had no doubt that my husband George, loved me very dearly. I nevertheless knew that, in spite of his love, he liked to see me being abused and degraded. This being the case, I understood when my husband told me that he had arranged for me to be abused by two men that he'd met online the dark web on occasion, but as I was to soon find out, never anything like what was about to take place.

The meeting was set up for that very night, and when the time came, I had showered and taken special care with my make up and my dress. I have small boobs but the shelf bra I had on made them want to jump out of the low cut dress I was wearing. Just thinking about what might happen had me worked up to a state of extreme sexual excitement although it must be admitted that this excitement was just a little tempered by a feeling of apprehension. I had been surprised numerous times by the level of degradation George delivered to her.

We drove the short distance to where the meeting was to take place. George insisted I play with my titties as we drove along. The sign said Rest Area and that sign was covered by another smaller sign that said Closed for the Night, Reopening at 6 AM.

George pulled the car to the side of the road and parked quite near to an old, slightly derelict looking toilet that had at one time been part of a rest area.

I glanced around nervously. the area seemed to be deserted.

We waited just a minute or two before we were illuminated by the headlights of a car slowly cruising toward us.

This must be the men who are going to take part in my ordeal. The headlights went off and all was quiet. The sound of the car door opening and closing was clear in the quiet night, then George began to wind down the window as they heard the crunch of approaching footsteps.

"Hi, you had no difficulty getting the slut here," I heard the man, a mountain of a man, address my husband as he peered in at me through the window.

"No, she's ready for it," George replied in a voice which I could tell was full of lustful excitement. “Aren't you babe?” I replied, “Would miss it for the world.”

Georgia grabbed me by the hair and turned my face toward him and he spit a nasty loogie in my face. on't wipe that off and do not be a smart ass anymore.

I could feel the loogie running down the side of my nose and I lowered and head and said, I'm sorry.”

The mountain man, obviously the leader, said, “Good, she has some spirit to her. Will be fun to break her”

George got out of the car and in seconds he and the two men were opening the car door on my side.

"Get out you fucking, dirty whore," the leader sneered, but I found that I had no choice in the matter as a handful of my hair was grabbed up in the man's fist and I was half dragged out of the car. I stumbled across the road, trying to get my feet under me with the two men and my husband. I was half dragged by my hair and continually pushed and shoved. I fell one time and my left knee became bloodied.

The group stopped at the entrance to the restroom and the leader said to me, “What do you think of the lavish surroundings we have brought you to. I almost said the place was a real beauty but that would have been smart ass me and I am sure I would have been punished.

The leader came forward, lifting his right leg so I could see the sole of his shoe. On no, I thought, looks like he has dog shit on his shoe. Sure enough, he said, :Well damn, look at that, I have dog shit on my shoe. Can't go into this ;lovely place with that on my shoe” “Clean my shoe”.

I started to reach for the sole of his shoe with my hand to wipe away the shit when the leader yelled, “Stop”

“Bitch, I don't want your hands to be all messed up. Get on your hands and knees. Tommy stand on her right hand, George stand on your bitch wife's left hand. Now darling if you please, fucking clean my goddamned shoe.” With that he stuck his shoe in my face, rubbing the shit covered sole against it.

“No, I can't do that”, I said. The leader said, “OK, but what comes around, comes around, bitch, let her up.” The two men stepped away from my hands and I got up.

We entered the men's toilet and I was immediately struck by the general filth of the place. It stunk of stale urine and I saw why as my eyes noticed the trough at the base of the urinal, seemingly blocked up and literally overflowing with the revolting sight of yellow piss with a thin scum and occasional white, frothy deposits floating over the top.

This urinal was no more than a metal sheet sloping into a concrete trough some six feet long, perhaps eighteen inches wide and some inches deep. It had obviously been regularly used during the course of the day by what must have been hundreds of men standing, cocks in hand and spraying their waste into the filthy, stained trough at the base of the wall.

Unknown to me, but totally agreed to by my husband, the men had been there early that morning and had jammed a thick wad of newspaper wrapped in plastic, down into the drain pipe, with the express purpose of achieving the vile, putrid state that the urinal now presented.

"Get your clothes off bitch," The leader ordered. At the same time he gave me a sharp slap across my face, which caused me to cry out in shock and pain.

I hesitated just momentarily and glanced across at my husband. I immediately saw though, that my husband fully acquiesced in what was happening as his satisfied smile made it quite obvious. I received another blow, even harder. I quickly began to pull my top off over my head and shoulders. I paused as I glanced around wondering where to place my clothing but it was snatched from me and thrown down on the filthy floor.

I next reached behind my back and undid my bra and then slipped it off over my shoulders. My small, white breasts were exposed to everyone.

"Nice tits on the slut," I heard one of the men comment. I next slid my skirt down over my legs and stepped out of it as the other stepped forward and began mauling my breasts.

I was now clad in no more than a tiny pair of white panties and my shoes. Suddenly George ripped off my panties and threw them, torn to pieces, onto the floor.

"Shoes off too," the leader snapped.

Looked at the wet, dirty, slimy floor, I said,”But.....” That's all I could say because a thudding blow struck me in the stomach and I doubled up gasping as the wind was knocked out of me.

“Oh, speaking of shoes. The sole of my shoe is still covered in shit. George, you told me that your wife got off on being degraded. Do you think she is wet right now?” George replied, “ I know she is.” I knew that yes, I was.

“George, finger fuck your wife”. George started to move toward me and the leader said “Stop, since your wife will not clean my shoe, I want you to.” George said, “John, this is about her not me.” The leader, John said, “Do it George, scrape the shit off with your hand.

George bent down and used his right hand to carefully remove the balls of shit stuck to John's shoe. When he was done he went toward the towel machine to wipe his hands off.

John, said, “George rub your hands together.” George paused but one look at John convinced him to rub his hands together. Soon George's hands were both covered lightly in shit. John said, “OK, finger fuck your wife.”

I slowly backed away from George and said”No, George, this has gone far enough. John said, “Tommy hold the bitch. Come on George, I am waiting.”

I felt George's shit covered right hand on my belly and his left hand grabbed my ass so I couold not wiggle away. Then George stuck his fingers, one, then two and then three into my pussy and he started pumping them in and out. As gross as this was, having shit pushed into my pussy, I soon felt the heat boil up in my pussy. Instead of trying to escape my husband's hands I was thrusting my pussy hard against George's hand. After several minutes, I felt the orgasm approaching and I started to say, “I'm going to cum”

John said , “Stop, withdraw your fingers.” to George. George withdrew his fingers and I said, “asshole”

I was then rocked with a vicious slap to my face by George's right hand, Snot flew from my nose and spittle from my mouth. “Do NOT speak to John like that.”

John said, “OK, Tommy its time.”Tommy quickly picked me up and I was dumped right into the trough full of stale, putrid urine.

I gasped and wailed in shock and disgust as the filthy, revolting wave of piss slopped over my naked body.

"Urrrgg!" I shrieked in absolute disgust as I struggled to get out of the pool of filth. The men, including my husband, all laughed merrily as I stood up, naked and wet with piss and with little rivulets of urine trickling down over my body. With red cheeks from being slapped and brown stains on my belly and butt.

John stepped forward and grasped the back of my neck in a vice like grip. "Back you go whore!" he laughed as he pushed me back down onto my knees in the middle of the scum covered urine trough

I struggled and cried out, "oh God, no!" as it became apparent to me that the man was going to force my face right down into the stinking pool of male piss.

I was no match for John's strength, and I screwed my eyes and my lips tightly shut as my head was forced beneath the surface of the cesspool of filth.

I began to writhe and squirm as the man held my head down. my knees slipped on the slimy concrete and my body sprawled out across the filthy muck of the floor, covering the lovely soft, unblemished skin of my legs, belly and breasts with the filth of the toilet.

The man lifted my head up slightly and I opened my mouth to gasp in a breath of air. The moment that I opened my mouth, the man rapidly thrust my face back into the liquid of the urinal so that my mouth filled with stale urine. I choked and coughed as I tried to splutter and spit the disgusting urine from my mouth.

Every one of my senses rebelled against the loathsome, repulsive, vile, odious filth of how I was being treated ....... and yet, at the same time, I could feel sexual impulses thrilling me in opposition to my outward revolt at the gross degradation of my body.

I was on hands and knees gasping.

"Lie down in the piss," John ordered. I hesitated momentarily, then to the men's delight, I obediently sat down and leaned backwards, leaning on my elbows and with my legs stretched out in the trough full of piss. my thick, lustrous, hair floated out behind my head over the foul piss muck of the urinal trough.

It may sound strange that I wantonly laid back in the disgusting filth of the urinal, but I have come to understand that some men really get off by degrading and humiliating women in the most terrible ways, and that the men do in fact love and respect the woman for accepting the most demeaning treatment, besides, she was now filled with such lust that she would do anything for the men.

The men stood watching and laughing derisively, calling me all of the most filthy, derogatory names that they could think of. "Disgusting sewer-pig" and "Piss loving filth-whore" were a couple.

I brought my knees up and spread my thighs slightly. The urine was perhaps three inches deep and it lapped in little waves between my naked thighs and washed onto my pussy which was gaping open due to my sexual excitement.

Each movement that I made, caused gentle waves of the stale, yellow urine to lap against the soft, tender skin of my thighs and belly. A used condom drifting in the muck, slowly oozed its load of sperm out into the urine, leaving a slightly oily smear with white blobs drifting on the surface. When I noticed this, I picked up the condom and dangled it above my belly so that the remaining contents of piss and sperm dribbled out and oozed down over my belly to slip across my groin and drift over the surface of the yellow piss washing into my pussy.

John then rummaged through a bag that he'd brought with him, and took out a large, rubber dildo, he threw it into the piss trough where it landed with a splash. He then told me to fuck myself with it.

I sat up to take the dildo in my hand. The disgusting, fetid, yellow piss dripped from that part of my body which had lifted out of the foul bath in which I was wallowing. I plunged the dildo beneath the surface of the piss bath and easily slid it up into my wet and slippery pussy. In and out I began easing the dildo, and by so doing so I gradually pumped the stinking piss of the trough up into my body.

The two men and my husband were continually screwing up their faces in mock disgust at the way that I was surrendering myself to this appallingly disgusting and crude play. They had wanted to totally debase and degrade me, and that which was happening was more than fulfilling their every ambition. It was all just so foul and revoltingly loathsome and nauseating - enough to make a normal person want to vomit.

Indeed I had several times gagged and had to hold myself in check, especially when my mouth had filled with the stale, putrid piss and I had actually swallowed some of it. I knew though that these men were reveling in every disgusting thing that I did, and I, although normally so scrupulously clean and hygienic, now thrilled at wallowing like some filthy, disgusting sow in the filth of a pig pen, before my husband and his two friends.

The three men all had their massively hard cocks out and were slowly stroking themselves as they watched me contemptibly sordid self debasement in the rank filth of the sewer.

Feeling so lasciviously sexy, it took me no time at all before the dildo plunging into my filthy, piss-soaked pussy, was bringing me on towards a fabulous climax. I moaned and sighed and groaned as the almost unbearable waves of sexual delight swept through my body. Finally, unable to take any more, I let myself lie back in the putrid, repugnant pool of filth, so that I just lay there panting in the stinking urine.

"Get the fucking whore over to the shit bowls," one of the men suggested.

"Fuck! I'm not touching the dirty bitch!" the other man and my husband both exclaimed together.

It was up to me to get to my feet myself and, at the men's directions, to go into one of the cubicles. The three men squeezed in around me.

I obeyed when the men told my to kneel before the bowl. I noticed that several turds floated in the bowl and it looked like someone had diarrhea also. I figured I was going to be directed to put my head into the shitty mess. Sure enough the back of my head was pushed down toward the dirty bowl.

As I hovered over the bowl, I breathed deeply of the heavy, stinking vapors in the toilet bowl. The vile stench assailed my nostrils and it was drawn deeply into my lungs as I knelt there with my head in the position where many filthy asses had sat during the day and oozed their shit from their bowels.

My eyes looked at the disgustingly stained walls of the bowl, and at the slimy muck of water just inches below my face. I could hear the voices of the men standing above me, jeering and mocking me, telling my that my head was in the right place - the place where men shit.

One of the men lifted his boot to press on the back of my neck and force my head right down into the bowl. I struggled when my face hit the foul water. Suddenly and unexpectedly, the men flushed the bowl and a seething, rushing torrent of water engulfed my face, choking and drowning me. I struggled to get my head from the toilet bowl so that I could get a breath of air, but the heavy boot remained planted firmly on the back of my neck.

The water subsided and I spluttered and gasped the air into my lungs. I wailed in protest and called to be released. My voice echoed strangely with my head stuck down the toilet bowl, and the men all laughed and continued mocking and belittling me.

My small, white, pure breasts were all of the time rubbing around the rim of the dirty toilet bowl and being smeared with the filth that came from many cocks dribbling the last drops of their piss onto it.
Several times the bowl was flushed, each time catching me unaware and each time choking me with the drowning water.

Eventually the men allowed me to remove my head from the toilet bowl. I sat there at their feet, on the filthy, concrete floor, my hair bedraggled and clinging to my face and shoulders as I continued to splutter from my half-drowning.

Once I began to recover, one of the men directed my attention to the glory hole in the wall. The wall was of brick, and many years ago a brick had been removed so as to provide a good sized gap in the wall for cocks to be thrust through for masturbation and oral sex. Over the years, the constant depositing of cum on the brickwork, had left it smooth and discolored with years of cum congealed there. The walls below the glory hole were also covered with solidified cum where it had constantly dribbled down. Even now, cum from some ejaculation most likely hours earlier, was there were it had oozed from a hard, cock and been deposited on the filthy, cum caked brickwork.

"Get down and lick up that cum," I was ordered after the disgusting, white globs of sperm had been pointed out to me.

I arose from my sitting position on the filthy floor, and kneeling before the glory hole, I placed my hands flat on the wall, and stretching my neck out and pushing my face forward, I parted my lovely, sensual lips and the men watched as my tongue slowly slid over the stale globs of sperm as I licked it into my mouth.

The men groaned in mock disgust at the crude, revolting filth of my action, but in reality they were so absolutely thrilled by the degrading crudeness that I was prepared to go to in satisfying the men's depraved desires. Their cocks all became so much harder and solid as they stood around me stroking themselves to the point of gushing their own cum out for me to lick up.

For my part, I just looked up at the men, my beautiful face simply glowing with pleasure; my sensual mouth with just a teasing hint of a satisfied smirk, and my dark eyes shining with lustful happiness.

One of the guys thought to check out the adjoining toilet cubicle, and finding a good blob of stale cum on the floor, called me a "dirty, fucking cum-bucket", and told me to wipe my fingers through the dollop of muck and finger fuck myself with it.

I was completely out of control with the sexual lust that was surging through my body, obediently wiped my fingers through the deposit of sperm, managing to get a good amount of it onto my fingers so that it was dribbling off them, and then squatting with knees parted and facing the men, I easily slid the pair of cum covered fingers right up into my wet, juice dribbling pussy.

The men were of course inspired into a fresh round of disgusting and filthy name calling for me, and my teasing, sexy smirk broke out into a beautiful smile as first my husband, quickly followed by the two men, all unable to contain their lust, spurted their pent up semen over my face.

The three men, all having now satisfied their lust as well as their filthy perversions, prepared to leave.

John said, “Clean the whore up. Can't have her messing up her car.

Tommy actually put on a plastic glove and grabbed me by the hair and yanked me over to the corner of the restroom where a hose, all curled up, was attached to a hydrant. Tommy told me to stand there and he went to the hydrant and turned the water on.

Tommy then started to wash off the accumulated filth off my body. The water pressure was fairly forceful and the water was extremely cold. In fact the whole process was quite painful.

George gathered up my clothing which was scattered around the toilet block, and he then pushed me, still stark naked, out of the doorway into the parking lot.

I nervously glanced about to see whether anyone was out and about at that late hour, then laughing and giggling, skipped happily across the road to where our car was parked.

As we reached the car one of the guys commented to George, " you'd better make the dirty, fucking animal ride in the trunk." George grinned and opening the trunk, told me to get in.

I did as I was told, and as the trunk lid closed and left me squashed in darkness inside the trunk of the car, I overheard one of the men jokingly telling my husband that she would need to spread her legs and have my cunt flushed out with a bottle of toilet disinfectant before George fucked me again.

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By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 19,Nov,23 12:52
That was discussing, loved it.

By JustWondring [Ignore] 17,Nov,23 06:34
Hot story! I fantasized everything happening to me and stroked my cock as I read it. Thank you for sharing.

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