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Doc appointment

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By wycowboy [Ignore] 10,Dec,23 12:34   Pageviews: 78

Heading to Billings in a bit to visit the doctor for another post-op exam. Hopefully the healing as advanced. If not we may start talking amputation again. Oh well, at least I get to see his luscious nurse again.

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By Wantboth [Ignore] 28,Feb,24 01:14
I sincerely hope all went well for you.
I have a urology appointment with a Dr that is bi and loves sex. I love his exams, he is slow and gentle and always gives extra strokes. I want to give him a quickie blow job.

By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 13,Dec,23 01:08
Prayers darlin

By t-rex [Ignore] 10,Dec,23 17:20
Good luck
By wycowboy [Ignore] 11,Dec,23 17:47
Thanks. It went well, he was pleased with the progress. I have to stay in the boot and continue what we've been doing.
By t-rex [Ignore] 11,Dec,23 20:15

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