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Morning wood

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By wycowboy [Ignore] 18,Dec,23 11:50   Pageviews: 56

I woke up this morning with a huge case of morning wood. I had been having a sexy dream and when I woke up my cock was harder than it had been in a while with massive precum. My groin was soaked in precum and my cock was nice a slick. I couldn't help myself, I jacked it until I had a great orgasm. I am still wearing the dried cum in my pubic hair and intend to all day.

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By onthelose [Ignore] 19,Dec,23 18:00
It seems odd to me that I wake up to a really hard dick several times a week but have a hard times getting hard spontaneously .

By SwollenAcorn [Ignore] 19,Dec,23 06:44
Hell I've been dealing with that since 6th grade, and still dealing

By nekekal [Ignore] 18,Dec,23 11:57
I love it when that happens.

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