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Our Honeymoon

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By GeorgiaP [Ignore] 14,Jan,24 23:02   Pageviews: 44

I, George wrote this story several years after the event happened. I think it was the first time that either of us found out that we liked to write stories of our sexual occurrences. The event itself was the first indication of how our sexual life was going to go. It started a lifetime of Georgia being a sexual slut and how my life of catering to her developed.

I, Georgia, edited this story to make it a more interesting read.

Georgia and I were just married and we had planned an extravagant honeymoon, a three week stay at a secluded “adults only, no kids” vacation Island. We were staying at a highly expensive couple's resort in the Caribbean. We were staying in a stunning beach house, right at the tip of a mile long stretch of beautiful white sand on the south side of the island. The beach was completely private, for guest use only, and was shared by only a handful of other couples staying in similar houses nearby.

While we were unpacking, a 20 something-year old kid with bleached blonde hair, a square jaw and the physique of a bodybuilder knocked on our door. This was Mark, our `host' for the duration of our stay, and he was almost bursting out of his shirt. His job, he explained, was to look after all the guests staying on their stretch of beach. "I'm basically here to make sure you guys get a vacation you'll never forget" he smirked, squeezing the blood out of my hand with an unnecessarily macho handshake. I didn't much like the look of this guy, particularly given the cocky way he was eyeing Georgia's cleavage as he shook her hand, but I slipped him a tip anyway and let him know we'd be sure to shout if we needed anything.

I wasn't too put out by the wondering eyes. Georgia had small, 34B, but fantastic breasts, with half inch long nipples that were always hard. I was used to people staring. Mark told us that there was a welcome party tonight. Hopefully we would come. Mark said, "It's at the Guest Services Mansion, a couple of miles north of here. Everyone on the island's gonna be there. It's kind of a welcome thing for y'all.”

Since it was our first night, we decided to go. They were celebrating their marriage after all, why not have some fun? Plus, it would be a great chance to meet some of the other couples staying on the island.

The Guest Services Mansion turned out to be a beautiful white house with gorgeous gardens and a swimming pool surrounding it. As soon as we arrived however, it was pretty clear that this party was going to be a long way from the civilized reception we had both been expecting.

Rather than welcoming their guests with champagne cocktails, finger food and polite conversation, Mark and his fellow hosts were essentially throwing a frat party for the island, with kegs of beer, pounding rap music and plenty of juvenile antics.

There were about ten young men in total, all in their early 20s and all with the same chiseled body that Mark had. One of them, a bald headed black kid with a lip ring, had even taken his shirt off! He was dancing around, showing off his impressively muscled chest and encouraging a number of the female guests to join him.

"Jesus..." I whispered under my breath, "I'm sorry honey, I had no idea it would be like this!" I couldn't understand how such an expensive, elite holiday resort could condone their staff behaving in this way, or think that guests paying top dollar to be there would approve.

Yet, to my surprise, everyone seemed to be having a great time. Most of the other couples were drinking and laughing and even dancing to the music, out in the summer heat by the pool. I even saw a group of them passing around a joint.

Nobody seemed to be thinking along the same lines as me. that this was all really kind of immature. He didn't want to be a snob or a bore though, and Georgia seemed happy to enter into the spirit of things, so I didn't say anything and instead cheerfully helped myself to a beer. Within a few hours, no one was feeling any pain. After my sixth or seventh beer I was blitzed.

At around eleven, things started getting a little out of hand when one of the hosts produced a load of cocaine and started offering it around to people. Much to my surprise Georgia, who had never tried anything like that before, accepted the offer. Before I could say a word, she had disappeared with a smirking Mark.

I was left alone to talk to a couple of other guys, neither of whom seemed to know where their wives had gone either. As the party wore on, and as the beers continued to flow, I couldn't help but feel uneasy as I became aware that Georgia was spending a lot of time, most like;y, with their young, muscular host.

Every now and then, I spotted Georgia and Mark occasionally. They were, laughing and drinking and snorting lines together. They were also openly flirting with one another. He could see the way this punk kid was leering suggestively at Georgia, not troubling to conceal the fact he was interested in here. She was looking up at him with those big dark eyes of hers, smiling sexily and running her hands through her bleached blonde hair. Several times I even saw her hand resting on one of Mark's rippling biceps.

Maybe it was the alcohol, but I didn't feel able to go over there and separate them. Besides, a lot of the wives seemed to be getting also getting special attention from the studly young hosts. I could see several of Mark's cohorts unashamedly hitting on the most attractive wives, while the the wives giggled and flirted right back.

I saw that lip ring kid with his hand up inside the skirt of the red-headed woman who had been on the boat with us. I recognized the woman's husband across the garden, but the guy didn't seem to have even noticed what his wife was up to. None of the husbands appeared to mind much, I thought. Maybe it was the alcohol? Everyone was pretty drunk by now.

Anyway, Georgia was clearly loving every minute of the attention she was getting from Mark, despite the fact that the kid was at least seven years her junior. I started over toward them and interrupt them?

"SKINNY DIP!" someone shouted. The next thing anybody knew, the young men were tearing off their shorts and their vests and hurling themselves into the pool. I was relieved to see Mark break away from flirting with Georgia in order to shed his clothes and join his buddies. I gasped when I saw him in the buff. Not only was the kid completely buffed, but he had the biggest cock I had ever seen.

His cock must have been almost a foot long, even in its soft state, and as a thick as a ball bat. It was hanging down between his thighs like an enormous slab of pink beef. There were audible gasps around the garden as people saw it for the first time.

Several of the women couldn't help but point. The young stallion was evidently pleased with the reaction he was getting. He was beaming like the Cheshire cat, strutting across the garden towards the water and making sure everyone was getting a good long look at the premium merchandise swinging between his legs. Almost as big by comparison was the pair of grapefruit sized balls that hung down behind that freakishly big cock. His gonads were the size of two fists, shaved bald and dangling low. This dude was hung like a goddamn horse!

"Check it out, check it out!" one of Mark's buddies was hollering gleefully, waving his own more modest, though still impressive, tool around with one hand, "Ma white boy Mark got a cock that would make a brotha proud!!" Mark didn't say a word, but smirked more than ever and bumped fists with his pal as they both dived into the water.

The women were talking. "Oh my gosh! Did you see that boy? He's ENORMOUS!" "Have you ever in your life seen someone so BIG?" "Uh huh. That thing was the size of my forearm! How big do you think it gets when it's HARD?!"

I was staring at Georgia, who was still standing across the garden talking to a red headed woman who had been on the boat with us. I believe her name was Kay. Her face was impassive, but I knew she couldn't have avoiding noticing that gigantic dick. I wondered feverishly what she was thinking? Georgia had never mentioned size before, but judging by the way the women around him were reacting, Mark's magnificent girth must have impressed her.

"Who's coming in to play?" the bald headed black boy was crying out. He didn't need to ask twice. Within twenty seconds, a woman had dropped her shorts, taken off her top and had jumped in to join him. Three or four other women followed as the boys cheered. Soon there were panties and bras strewn around the lawn and at least five naked women splashing in the water. Most of the guests seemed to be enjoying the show and were cheering and whooping as they watched the group romping in the water. A few were evidently getting quite turned on and had partnered up in the pool and started necking with their partners.

None of the other men seemed to dare join the group in the water though. I thought there was pretty simple explanation for that, who on earth would want their bodies to be compared next to these guys? There were two women talking to Mark in the pool now. He was preening himself arrogantly, clearly in his element, with his arms around both of them and flexing his massive lats to show off.

I spotted a man nearby, staring sadly at the scene and sipping his beer. I asked whether one of the women in the pool was his wife?” The man just nodded. "Don't... don't you mind?" I asked, astonished. "Hey," the guy said, shrugging his shoulders, "I guess I minded the first season we came here, but I'm pretty used to it by now." "The first season? You mean, you mean... this has happened before?" The guy smiled at me, "You get used to it buddy, don't sweat it." "Do you mean to say you come back here every year for this? And this happens every time? The hosts and the wives." "Not all of the wives. Just the ones who are lucky enough I guess. Or the husband's who are unlucky enough, if you want to look at it that way. My wife has been pretty lucky so far. She hasn't been with anyone as big as that dude before though I must say. That guy is packing."

I was flabbergasted. I literally couldn't believe what was taking place here. Mumbling something to the poor, pathetic husband I was talking to, I broke away and headed across the garden to where Georgia and Kay were standing. As I came closer, I saw Georgia was intently gazing at the boys in the pool. I knew immediately what was going through her mind. "You having a good time?" I said, nervously.

"I was thinking about taking a dip myself. Why don't you join me George?", said Kay "What? Me? I, uh, no, I don't think so... but... Georgia, honey? Do you think... maybe it's time we'd better go now?" But Kay kept insisting that Georgia join her in the pool and I could see that Georgia was all for it.

"Come on now George, you're not going to spoil Georgia's fun are you? We're all on vacation after all!" I could only stare at Georgia. "You don't mind, right?" she said. "Of course he doesn't," Kay grinned "George's a relaxed guy, aren't you George? My hubby is the same. He's over there fixing himself another a drink, why don't you head over and say hi while me and Georgia have a quick little swim. Then we can all head back together, right?" "Sure," I croaked, trying to be cool, "I mean... we're on vacation, right?" I simply didn't know what else to say. Apart from anything, I was terrified that Georgia would just ignore me if I asked her not to do this. Somehow, giving his approval made it easier than if she just went ahead without caring what he thought. The two women were already peeling off the bathing suits they had on.

Shortly Georgia was butt naked. She was sauntering over to the pool, holding hands with Kay. All I could do was watch her go with an awful pang of jealousy. I had always been so proud of Georgia's hot body and now her goodies were on display for every guy there to see. She looked as phenomenal as ever, tanned and gorgeous and smiling proudly as she strutted past the staring husbands and towards the bellowing boys in the water. Her perky tits and hardened nipples stood right up on their own and didn't sag a bit. Her plump round ass swung teasingly as she walked. Plenty of guys were giving her cat calls, and judging by the expression on her face, she didn't mind a bit.

As soon as Georgia jumped into the pool, Mark abandoned the two women he was with, swam right across to her, put his arms around her from behind and filled his hands with her tits! I had a feeling the kid had been waiting all night to get his hands on her tits. I watched my wife turn to him at once, grinning, and they started kissing, right there in the water. I could see Mark's tongue in her mouth. Georgia's hands disappeared below the water and soon Mark's smile had grown even bigger. People standing around the pool were cheering them on.

The guy next to me was breathing heavily as he watched the two of them. He was plainly aroused by the sight of them feeling each other up. "That big dicked fucker wants your wife!" he grunted. I felt sick. Georgia and Mark were by no means the only couple getting it on in the water. I could see the black guy with the lip ring had his hands all over the red headed chick's ass. Two blondes were kissing an Asian looking guy at the same time. The mouthy kid who'd been waving his dick around was now pushing it into some Latina's mouth. Mark was already sucking on Georgia's boobs, taking her erect big nipples in turn between his teeth and slurping on them like a greedy suckling infant.

Every single one of the hosts had grabbed a wife in the water and was having his way with her while. On the side of the pool, husbands watched. "That's my wife there," said a guy proudly, pointing to a curvy blonde with curly hair, who had her legs wrapped around a black guy's waist in the water. "She likes the blacks. Always has."

I felt like I was in another world. Could this really be happening? I saw Georgia and Mark submerge below the water. Shortly they were they were surfacing, dripping, out of the water. Georgia had the enormous, mushrooming head of Mark's erect cock in her mouth. His cock had grown to unbelievable proportions. It must have been a full fourteen inches long with livid, tube like veins running all around it. Georgia couldn't begin to get the whole thing in her mouth. She couldn't even get her hand all the way around but she was stroking it up and down and squeezing his gigantic nuts at the same time.

There were more cheers now as two of the black guys had started fucking their charges in the water. I barely noticed this. I was watching Georgia and Mark as they stepped out of the pool and headed inside the house together, smiling broadly. Georgia didn't seem to be able to keep her hands off Mark's big dick.

About ten minutes later, I decided I had to follow them inside and to my amazement, and slightly to my disgust, I found that it was difficult to walk because I had a raging erection of my own! How could I be turned on by this? It was horrifying. The mansion was big, with plenty of rooms, but he soon knew which room Georgia was in. I could hear the unmistakable sound of a headboard banging against a wall. They were fucking! I couldn't believe it! As I came near the door, I could hear other sounds from inside the room. The bed was creaking and there was a steady, rhythmic slapping sound to accompany the banging of the headboard. I knew instantly it was the sound of those two big balls of Mark's making an almighty THWACK against Georgia's thighs as he fucked her. "OHH! OHH! OHH! OHH! OHHHHHHHHHHH GODDDDDDDDDDDDD!" I had a mental image of Georgia, lying on her back, naked and still wet from the pool, her legs spread wide, allowing this goddamn kid to fuck her with that gigantic cock. I couldn't begin to imagine how his petite wife, who was only 5'4, was able to take all that thick, pink meat inside her little pussy.

I found myself trying the door and was actually disappointed to discover it was locked. I was left to stand outside and listen. "OH JESUS CHRIST YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME....! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK I'M CUMMMMMMMMMMINGGGGGGGGGGGG!" To make matters worse, the sound of Georgia moaning and groaning and responding to that big cock gave me a tremendous hard-on and I had to resist the urge to whip out my dick and jack off. After that,I went back downstairs and outside to grab a beer and drown my sorrows.

Georgia and Mark finally emerged about an hour later. Some people had gone back to their own villas by then, but the hardcore contingent remaining gave them a loud cheer as they reappeared in the garden, grinning and both looking pleased with themselves. Georgia's hair was all messed up, with streaks of cum covering about half her hair. She was wearing a shirt that didn't belong to her, but she was completely naked underneath. Even from the garden chair where I had been drinking for the past hour, I could see the hickeys on her thighs and all over her tits. Her nipples were red and swollen and she had teeth marks all around her areola. Mark had obviously had a good time with her. He was baying with satisfaction, laughing and high fiving his buddies as Georgia, spotting me twenty or so yards away, walked slowly over to him. The smile had faded from her face now and she was looking a little bit ashamed. "I'm sorry George. I guess things got a little out of hand."

"I guess so. Did you have a good time?" She didn't reply to that, but nodded, yes. "Did you at least use protection?" Georgia just looked down. "I'm sorry George. But it was something I just wanted to do. I hope you can understand?"

"Can we go home now? We'll have to see about getting you the morning after pill tomorrow." But to my astonishment, Georgia said she wasn't ready to leave yet. "You go. I'll see you back there later tonight."

"What? You mean, you mean you're not done? You mean you want to fuck him again? Is that it? Once wasn't enough for you?. Did you forget this is our honeymoon.?”

"Look, George, what can I say? It's just a bit of fun baby. It doesn't mean anything. But I want to do this. I'm sorry. I don't ask you for much, but I need you to relax about this." So I was left to drunk-drive myself back down to the beach house all on my own.

I couldn't sleep. I lay in the big bed, tossing and turning and listening to the sea for the remainder of the night until the sun had started to come up. It killed me to know that Georgia was with that bastard and that they were having sex. That enormous prick everyone had been gasping at was inside her, probably right now. It was agony. The worst part was that I was so incredibly horny at the thought of it. Every time I closed my eyes I could picture Mark's monstrous erection in front of me, engorged with blood and covered in fat, purple veins, sticking straight out of him like a great pink fire hose.

I imagined what it must look like plowing in and out of Georgia's little cunt, imagined what Georgia must look like taking all that insider her, and it made my own penis as hard as a rock to think about it. Much to my shame, I masturbated repeatedly as I lay there.

I heard her return to the house about 6 AM. She slipped into the bed next to me and put her arms around me. I could smell the overpowering funk of sex on her. "Did you have a good night?" "Yes George. Yes I did," she kissed me, "And I owe it to you. Thank you so much honey. Thank you for being the most amazing husband. I know it wasn't easy for you tonight, but I love you so, so much for putting your own feelings aside for my happiness. I'll never forget what you've done for me."

I said nothing. I was already starting to feel a little better now she was back with me. Could I ever begin to forgive her? Perhaps in time. For now though, she was in the doghouse, there was no doubt about that, and I intended to let her know it. But then again, I was still achingly horny. The least she could do would be to let me fuck her. After letting some other dude have his way with her all night long, that was the very least I could expect.

I rolled on top of her, intending to help myself to the hole he had been forced to share with another all night long. "Ughg!" I pulled back in horror. Georgia's pussy was a complete mess. It was overflowing with thick, white, semen. Not only had Mark not bothered to use a condom while he was fucking her, but the bastard had in fact gone ahead and pumped her full of his sperm. The stuff was streaming out of her pussy in rivers. It was smeared all over the insides of her thighs and dripping down the crack of her ass. She was covered in the stuff!

"Ooops..." Georgia giggled, "I guess I could have cleaned up a little, huh? But well the truth is Mark told me not to. He wanted me to go back like this and not shower or anything. He said it turned him on to send me back to you with his sperm dripping out of me. Sorry George. You don't mind, do you?"

Georgia slept for almost the entire day. In the afternoon, I headed down for a walk along the beach to think. I felt confused and dazed by the previous night's events and was still a little hung over. The warm water and the gorgeous stretch of sand was anyone's idea of paradise on earth, but I felt miles away from it all. Walking along the beach, I came across Kay and her husband sunbathing together.

Kay was delighted to see me and could barely conceal her obvious amusement at his expense. "Well! How are you feeling today George?" she chuckled "your wife certainly enjoyed herself last night didn't she?! She gave us all quite a performance in the end, but then I think you'd already left by that point hadn't you?" I was highly embarrassed to see these two in the light of day. And I was even more humiliated that they were both plainly laughing at me. "That wife of yours sure can fuck!"

Kay's husband was grinning. Going red, I asked whether Kay had enjoyed herself at the party? I was amazed at the matter of fact way her husband told me she had spent the night boning some guy called Chet. He simply couldn't understand the way the rest of the men on the island seemed so comfortable with their wives having sex with other men. It was as if they almost enjoyed it. "But I must admit, now I know my Kay is a good fucker, and I love to watch her bucking the bronco, I do, but your little Georgia can sure take a dick that's for damn sure. I thought that big horse was going to split her in two with that monster, but she took every goddamn inch that motherfucker had and moaned for more!"

I was disgusted to hear that, after I had left, Georgia and Mark had not only fucked again, but that they hadn't even bothered to find a bedroom to screw in, instead getting down to it on a sun lounger by the pool where everyone else was able to watch! Kay and her husband tittered with glee as they told me in detail how Mark had held Georgia's legs high above her head by the ankles and how he had banged away on her little cunt like a steam train right in front of everyone. "I thought he was going to kill her George. That boy is something else. But he's good at what he does, let me tell you. That young man buried that big old cock of his right to the balls in her. And judging by Georgia's performance, she was thanking the Lord for every inch of it!" They laughed at the look of unease on my face. Kay even told me that she was so impressed with the kid's fucking technique, she was hoping to invite him back to her bed that night to show her own husband how it's done.

"I've been hoping to run in to him on the beach all day. I'd dearly love to have that beautiful boy stretch out my cunt the way he did to your wife last night, let me tell you. I know I may not have a figure like hers, but I figure that big ol' bull wouldn't say no to a slice of my pie?"

That night, I confronted Georgia. Georgia didn't deny a word of it. She didn't even seem ashamed. If anything, she seemed jealous at the thought that Kay might now be getting a taste of Mark's overgrown cock instead of her. I was furious. But I couldn't deny that I was also still horny as hell. Georgia had showered and cleaned herself up by now and despite everything, I was aching to be able to fuck Georgia again. In bed, she easily coaxed my cock to erection as she teased me about last night. She told me how she just couldn't stop cumming on Mark's big thing after he had stuck it in her the second time. "Mark really is a superb lover, honey. Did you get a good look at how big he is? I know they say it's not the meat it's the motion, or whatever, but I'm just not sure I believe that. I had some of the most intense orgasms I have ever experienced with him stuffed up inside me. And that's exactly how it feels baby. Like getting stuffed!"

She went on like this, telling me how her pussy clamped so tightly around his shaft when she came for him that she could feel how thick the veins in his cock were with her labia. She told me that Mark was the best sex she had ever had in her entire life, and that he was so good at turning her on that he could make her cum simply by sucking on her nipples. "Mark said he was just crazy about my nipples! He couldn't keep his hands off them!"

My cock was almost bursting with blood. I decided I had to have her. With a groan, I pushed her onto her back, spread her legs and plunged inside her as deep as I could go. I immediately felt how much looser her pussy was. That bastard kid had stretched her out quite a bit. I noticed too that she had bruises on the insides of her thighs, presumably from Mark's big slapping balls. Still, I plowed on. I was giving her everything I had but all I was getting in response was a few moans and grunts from Georgia, she hardly moved. After ten minutes or so of thrusting I ejaculated within her. I was exhausted and rolled off of her. It was evident that things simply weren't working for Georgia. She was just lying there. She was hardly responding to my cock in her pussy. I knew she felt me but I just didn't have the size to please her.

There were tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry George. I'm so sorry. I love you so much, but it's just not the same." After that, they both cried together and held each other. They told each other how much they loved one another. But Georgia said she couldn't pretend. And I said I understood. Sadly, I nodded. I imagined Kay's jeering face, laughing at me. My only choice was to learn to enjoy watching my wife with another man. I would never be able to satisfy her again. I nodded my head and agreed to let her fuck Mark again tomorrow night.

The next day, Georgia put on her smallest bikini and headed out to the beach for the day. She asked me if I wanted to join her, but I declined. I knew full well that she was hoping to run in to Mark on the beach. I had no desire to see that smug son of bitch's face again any time too soon, but I felt a pang of jealousy as I watched my beautiful wife leave the house in her tiny bathing suit without me. I wondered if Georgia had deliberately arranged her boobs so that her nipples were playing peek-a-boo. As I watched her stroll off, she was deliberately swinging her plump butt to and fro.

Late that afternoon, she returned to the house after a busy day working on her tan and sure enough, Mark was strutting behind her. Today he was wearing beach trunks and a tight pink vest that showed off his impressive upper body to its fullest extent. The unmistakable shadow of his soft cock was visible in his crotch. He was also carrying a crate of beer and a pack of frozen steaks, which he suggested to me with a smirk that he could cook. "We thought maybe we could all eat together?" Georgia said sweetly. "I told Mark what a great cook you are." I found it incredibly uncomfortable having Mark in the house. It was plainly obvious to all three of them what he was doing there, but I didn't want to acknowledge it. To do so just seemed so humiliating.

While Georgia and I cooked the steaks in the kitchen, Mark .sat in the den watching football and drinking a beer. I felt like a complete idiot. Here I was cooking for some punk 20 year-old who was going to spend the night with my wife. At the dinner table, I was forced to sit through the most uncomfortable meal of my life. The sexual chemistry between Mark and Georgia was palpable. I sensed Georgia's foot under the table, running up and down the boy's leg. This was so demeaning, I thought. For his part, Mark seemed to be positively reveling in my discomfort. He was smirking that arrogant asshole smirk of his almost constantly now, and even had the nerve to compliment me on Georgia's "awesome nipples".

Opening a bottle of wine, Georgia confessed that she and Mark had already got a little carried away earlier. "We were sunbathing with Kay and her husband and a few other guys, and some of us decided to take a dip in the sea to cool off as it was so hot. I don't know what came over me. Mark must have broken down my resistance or something, because the next thing I knew he had my bikini bottoms round my knees and his big thing was up inside me. Right there in the water! It felt so sexy doing it there in the sea with everyone watching. But we didn't think you'd mind George? After all, I told Mark how amazing you're being in letting us do it again tonight. And anyway, it's just a bit of fun, right? Mark knows how much I love you." I said nothing. I could feel my face going bright red.

"By the way, Mark says he doesn't mind if, while we're having sex tonight, you want to watch? I mean, I've told him how turned on you've been getting." My face went from red to purple at this, as Mark grinned. "Don't sweat it dude. I've had lots of husbands ask me if they can watch me banging their wives while they're staying here. I like it actually. It turns me on to have them sit and watch."

Half an hour later, while I cleared away the empty plates and loaded up the dish washer, Mark and Georgia were already getting down to it in the den next door. By the time I came through to join them, Georgia was already butt naked, straddling Mark on the couch while he noisily sucked on her nipples. I didn't know where to look. "George, while you're up, would you bring Mark a beer?" Georgia said, "Fetch one for yourself too if you'd like one."

I didn't want to, but for some reason found myself meekly going to the refrigerator. I felt utterly stupid as I handed the smirking bastard a cold one. "Mark and I are going into the bedroom to fuck now," Georgia announced. "You can watch if you like? As long as you sit quietly in the corner and don't disturb us." I was so ashamed to have Georgia speak to me like this. I had never heard her use the word fuck like that. It was one thing to see her get carried away at a party, all coked up and drunk, but quite another to see her like this. Mark just laughed at the look on my face.

Georgia helped him take off his shorts and his vest and then led Mark to the bedroom, pulling him along with her hand around his bulging cock. I didn't know what to do. My head told me that I should be kicking the shit of that arrogant punk, but that was unlikely to ever happen and I knew it. Mark was twice my size and I felt sure he would kick my ass.

My heart told me I should at least be trying to retain some semblance of pride by staying downstairs. But I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate, and the idea of trying to sit and watch TV while they were having noisy sex upstairs was not appealing. Perhaps I should just go and sleep on the beach? But my gut was telling me something else. It was drawing me helplessly, to follow them. Deep down, I was aching to watch. In fact, my legs were already moving. "I'm glad you're here baby," Georgia said when I sheepishly knocked on the door and was admitted. "It means a lot to me to have your support. And I know how turned on you said you get." Mark was grinning like a Cheshire cat as he pointed me to a chair in the corner of the room and told me to sit down. I burned with shame but Georgia didn't even seem to notice. Mark lay back on the big bed with his muscular arms behind his head and his great big cock sticking straight up in the air. For a little while, he just smirked at George, looking right at me as he enjoyed the blowjob Georgia was giving him. With one hand, he reached down and groped her tits, squeezing her boobs and pinching and twisting her nipples until they were fat and hard as two bullets.

"She's got nice titties, huh?" he said. I knew the kid was deliberately trying to undermine and torture me. I just sat in silence however and watched, trying not to give Mark anymore satisfaction than he was obviously already getting. I sat in silence and watched them 69ing, slurping noisily at each other's genitals. I had a perfect view of Georgia's lips wrapped around the bulbous head of Mark's cock, her hands squeezing his balls while he sucked her bald little pussy with his hands all on her butt cheeks.

After several minutes of this, they were both ready to fuck and the kid was standing over her, holding her legs by the ankles and spreading them wide in order to give himself full access to her cunt. He brought the head of his monstrous prick right to the mouth of her wet snatch, rubbing the bulbous mushroom up and down against her slippery pussy lips and teasing her until she was begging him out loud for him to stick it in her. I,was subconsciously, begging him to do it too. His cock was so hard I felt like it was about to rocket off. "Ask me to fuck your wife," the kid sneered at George. "Forget about him! Just fuck me big boy!" Georgia was moaning. "Tell him to ask me. I'm not going to do it till your husband asks me to!" "Just do it George. Do what he says!" Georgia cried out. I was speechless. His cock was bouncing around at the entrance to Georgia's cunt.

The mixture of humiliation and arousal was overpowering. But my throat was hoarse and i felt like i couldn't speak. "I can't hear you?" Mark said teasingly, his gigantic erection pulsating with blood. "Ask him George! Either ask him or leave the room!" I heard himself say the words, without fully being aware of saying them. "Please fuck her. Please fuck my wife. I want to watch you do it." Mark laughed loudly at this as he started to work that monster inside Georgia's cunt. Slowly, painstakingly, he slid the head inside so that her fat pussy lips were squeezed all around it. Then he began pushing inch after inch of his meat dick in after it. It took him several minutes, but eventually, he was buried right to the balls in her. "OHHHHHH GODDDDDD... YOU'RE SOOOOO BIGGGGGGGG BABY!!!!"

Fifteen minutes later, I was watching Mark slogging away on Georgia's cunt with all his might, stuffing her like a Thanksgiving turkey. I was transfixed by the sight of Mark's big, heavy ball sack slapping against the globe of Georgia's ass and by the sound of her squeals she was making as she egged this big stud on. "YES! YES! YES! FUCK ME! OH YES! FUCK ME HARDER BABY! FUCK ME HARDER!" Georgia was pumping her ass and her thighs in order to meet Mark's powerful thrusts, her nails digging in to his back and his washboard abs. The headboard of the bed was pounding against the wall, just as it had done two nights ago, a rhythmic banging that seemed to reverberate around the room It seemed so loud he wondered whether they could hear it down the beach. As they fucked each other, their wet genitals squelched and farted obscenely. I had never heard those sorts of sounds before during sex. "OH MY GOD I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMMMMMMMMMMING!" I lost count of the number of orgasms Georgia had while Mark fucked her. After a while, he flipped her over onto her front and lifted her round ass up into the air, entering her from behind as if she was a dog. He reached forward and grabbed her hard nipples to steady himself, using her plump nipples as handles with which to fuck her harder.

When she eventually started cumming again from Mark's rear guard raid on her cunt, I saw Georgia squirting vaginal fluid out of her pussy, all over Mark's thighs and his big swinging balls. This was the first time I had ever seen Georgia do this. It was obscene, I thought. But Mark didn't even slow his pace, he just pumped on relentlessly. At one point, while he was fucking her, Mark asked me to fetch him another beer from the refrigerator downstairs. I could tell that it pleased the kid to humiliate me like this, making me act like his goddamn servant while he porked Georgia right in front of me. But Georgia told me I should do what Mark told him, so I did it. When I returned and handed the can to Mark, I watched him rearranged Georgia on the bed with ease, laying her on her back and mounting her, using his full weight to fuck her faster and faster as he neared ejaculation.

His big, slapping balls were tight like concrete, I could see that. I wondered wildly how much sperm those huge balls must be able to produce. Moments later, the kid tightened his well developed butt muscles, curled his toes and started emptying those big balls into Georgia's cunt with a roar of pleasure. I knew he was pumping string after string of his semen into her and that it was flooding into her womb.

Afterwards, they lay in each other's arms, panting and sweaty and utterly satisfied. I realized I had taken my cock out at some point and had jerked my cock until I came all over my boxer shorts. I watched Mark slopping his huge spent cock out of Georgia's wet cunt and wiping it dry on the inside of her tanned thighs. Georgia, who must have cum at least four times during Mark's onslaught, raised her head to watch her chubby wet pussy lips close up slowly behind it. I could already see thick white discharge oozing out of her hole and dripping onto the bed-sheets. Mark pointed at my boxer shorts and Georgia and Mark both laughed. "Did you enjoy the show George?" Georgia smiled. "By the look of that stain in your pants, you did?" and they both laughed again. I could only smile with embarrassment.

I watched Mark get up from the bed and strut towards me. His big slimy horse cock was in his hand. He stood right in front of my chair and held that monstrous thing level with my face. "Now lick me clean," he said. "Wh...what?" "You heard me. Do it." I looked up into the young stud's piercing blue eyes and surrendered myself to utter defeat. Obediently, I started to lick the gigantic cock before me. Smiling smugly, Mark lifted up his shaft and dangled his great big scrotum in my face, telling me to clean the sweat off his nuts. I complied.

"Now you should go down on your wife and lick up my load from her pussy. I didn't argue. Georgia spread her legs, flashing me an obscene view of her freshly fucked cunt while Mark put his big hand on the back of my head and guided me forward to start licking Georgia's pussy. He kept me down there for almost twenty minutes, with my face pressed into Georgia's sperm covered, sweaty crotch. Mark's seed was warm and thick and overpoweringly salty. I had no choice but to slurp the stuff out of her snatch as best I could, slopping a lot down my chin as I did so.

Mark made me push my tongue deep up into her vagina to coax more of it out, right up into her love canal. He pointed to rivers of it tricking down her ass-crack and even made me lick that up too. It was truly a prodigious load those great balls of his had produced what seemed like pints of the stuff and Mark wasn't satisfied until I had taken care of it all. By the time he released me I had semen all over my face. It was dripping from my chin and some of it was even up my nose.

"Well boys, I'm hitting the shower," Georgia said as she wriggled out from under the two men. She didn't even look at me as she walked from the room. Mark strutted out behind her, patting her ass smugly as he looked back at me from the doorway. "You should get yourself cleaned up dude. You look like a mess," he grinned. While Georgia and Mark took a shower together, I washed my face in the second bathroom.

Then I sat on the couch in the den with my head in his hands. I wanted to cry. How had this happened to me? Just 48 hours ago Georgia and I had been blissfully happy. Now I was as miserable and dejected as I thought it possible to be.

Next door, I could hear Mark cracking jokes in the shower and heard Georgia laughing. I hoped against hope the joke wasn't about me. After ten minutes or so, the sound of their voices and laughter had been replaced by an unmistakable and familiar slapping. Was it really possible that the kid was hard again so soon? I turned on the TV and tried in vain to drown thenoise out.

Sometime later, Georgia emerged wearing a towel and drying her hair. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her freshly fucked afterglow and was clearly feeling good. She sat down next to me and kissed me on the mouth, smiling broadly and telling me she loved me so much and thanking me again for being such an unselfish, loving husband.

"When is he leaving?" I asked abruptly. "Not just yet, honey. Mark says he can go at least a few more times tonight and I want to see if I can get some more spunk out of his big thing."

I just couldn't believe the way Georgia was talking. She kissed me again and squeezed my cock. "Have you got the stamina to go again as well? It turned me on so much to know you were watching and jacking your cock." said Georgia. Mark strutted into the room. Post shower, he was now wearing George's bath robe, which was too small for him and hung open so that his magnificent cock and balls were on full display as they swung between his legs. Even in its now soft state, his cock looked gigantically over sized. The fucker was obviously delighted with himself. He stood right in front of me and Georgia as we sat on the couch, preening and enjoying the look on my face. I just stared determinedly at the television while Georgia, smiling sexily, reached out and started to massage Mark's big member. "Oh baby, you are well hung, aren't you?"

That night, I was left to sleep on the couch while Mark and Georgia spent the night fucking like newlyweds in the bedroom next door. The big stud seemed to have the stamina of a rutting bull, boning Georgia again and again with only a minimal break in between.

By four in the morning, the only actual words I could make out were Georgia pleading with Mark. "OH GOD NO! NOT MY ASS! PLEASE! YOU'LL KILL ME! OW! OW! OWWWW! OH! OH! OH, YES! SHOVE IT ALL THE WAY IN YOU BIG BASTARD!" Every time I thought I was about to drop off, I was woken up by Mark standing over me and pulling me up from the couch, telling me they needed me to come next door and clean Georgia's messy pussy once again.
He even made me stick his tongue right up her asshole after he had dumped a load in her bowels, meaning I had to taste Georgia's shit-lined rectum for the very first time.

Then, around 6 AM, Mark had me get back in the kitchen and cook him up waffles and pancakes before he finally left. Georgia spent most of the next day sleeping naked by the pool, holding a pack of ice against her swollen pussy to ease the soreness after a night of Mark's pounding. She had bruises on the insides of her thighs from those big slapping balls. To my amazement however, she told me that she wanted Mark to come back and spend the next night as well. "You don't mind do you baby? I just feel like I need to make the most out of this holiday while I have a chance. I know I'll never have sex like this again."

The rest of the vacation passed by like some awful nightmare for me. Mark and Georgia hardly bothered to put any clothes on the whole time. Instead, they strutted around in the buff, lazing around the house and frolicking together on beach all day long, sunbathing nude, getting stoned and having sex. It seemed that little Georgia just couldn't get enough of Mark's big cock, no matter how many times he stuck it in her.

I was appalled and amazed at the slutty way she behaved for him, allowing the kid to do pretty much whatever the hell he liked with her, whether it was tittie-fucking her on the kitchen table or kneeling on all fours like a dog with her butt in the air, reaching back to pull her cheeks apart so Mark could stick that great big pipe up her ass. She even let him fist her!

Whenever they boned, it was my job to clean their nether regions with his tongue afterwards, including Georgia's butt hole. Not only that, but Mark usually insisted that I also clean his cock and his balls for him too. It was utterly humiliating for me to have to do this, but I realized by now that Mark was a superior man so I generally complied. Soon, I had slurped so much sperm out of Georgia's vagina that the two lovers joked how Mark's cream was my main source of protein these days. In any case, I had soon grown used to the pungent taste of it.

Eventually, when the three weeks of the vacation were over, it was time to go home. On the last morning, Georgia and Mark put their clothes on for the first time in days and a mini-van full of guests arrived at the beach house to pick us up and take them to the ferry. Kay and her husband were on board, laughing openly at me.

While I loaded up the luggage into the rental car, everyone could hear unmistakable sounds from inside the house. Georgia was bent over the stairs in the hall, her sundress hiked up above her brown ass, taking Mark's monster up her cunt one more time for a goodbye fuck.

This is Georgia. My pussy did shrink back to the point that I could have good sex with George. It was this event however, that made me realize that I needed to have more sex than George could give me. Within a year or so of this event we started swinging. Swinging started out as normal “swinging” but as the years went by George became more interested in watching me with other men and I became interested in pain and humiliation.

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