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First Time [Rambling/Story Time]

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By Domino [Ignore] 15,Jan,24 08:23   Pageviews: 82

Okay, after laying out my relationship situation in the last post, I thought about my boyfriend a little more and about the things we've done. And I thought I could talk about my first time with him since I haven't shared it with anyone.

As a note, I'll be calling my lovely boyfriend 'Pip'.

It was a couple months ago, so it was autumn but despite us being decently in the north, it wasn't too chilly. (Thanks, global warming.)

While I'm a local in the town, Pip only moved up here along with his parents about a year ago so they could be closer to family. In the interim of him moving up here and getting his own place again, he's staying with them.

And since he's staying with them we decided that we were better off driving around or hanging out in his truck. Small town so it wasn't like we had places to go lol.

We ended up at the town park, sitting in the back of Pip's truck, and after sunset, I can remember us getting frisky.

At the time, we hadn't been together for too long but I don't regret going a bit fast with him.

Pip was gentle but firm with me when he touched my tits and when he kissed me. I had felt so excited that I was shaking, trying to calm myself down despite how I felt just by him touching me over my dress.

As an aside, I believe I was wearing the black dress I'm wearing in one of my uploads. Sans underwear because I'm just like that irl lol.

Continuing, Pip had started on my thighs, slipping his hands under my dress and I can't explain the rush I felt when he realized I wasn't wearing anything underneath. That definitely got him more riled up, though.

Since it's been a while since this happened, everything isn't crystal clear in my memory, but I stripped.

I remember Pip above me, his eyes scanning down my body before he called me beautiful.

To which I promptly hid my face in my hands and denied it. Pip didn't let me. He made me stop hiding--I kind of wish he pinned my wrists down--and repeated himself.

This isn't why I love him, but it's certainly endearing to know he finds me attractive.

I know we made out for a little, Pip touching my tits and running his hands over my body. My thighs, my ass, then fingering me although I didn't need it with how fucking wet I was.

Seriously, I could have been dripping.

When we were ready--mentally--we were on our sides with Pip spooning me.

He asked if I was a virgin.

Considering my ex-girlfriend fucked me with a strap-on, I told him it depended on your definition.

If he meant with a real cock, then yes, I was a virgin.

And let me say that a strap is totally different from the real deal. Pip is a bit above average in length and decently thick so it's not like he's got a monster cock but he felt good when he pressed into me.

The usual full feeling except there was a warmth and weight behind his movements that you can't get on your own.

We started pretty slow--probably so I could have time to adjust, I assume, although I was far beyond ready for him to just pound me.

Since we were outside, I did my best to keep my voice down, but it was tough when we changed positions to me on my hands and knees.

I can remember the sounds and scents well enough--the slap of his hips to my ass, the sounds from the forest, and the shift of the thick blanket under me as he genuinely plowed me.

Sweat. Cool, night air.

The familiar smell of my own arousal--I've experienced that enough to know it like the back of my hand.

I know these things in retrospect but at the time I was a little preoccupied.

Anyway, he finished before me but I actually don't care much about it when I'm not on my own. I think I'm what you'd call a 'service' type. I don't need to get off so long as my partner is happy.

Not to say that Pip agreed with the sentiment but I just pulled him down to cuddle after we dealt with the condom.

(I've come since then from him fingering me, so it's not like he was doing anything wrong, I'm just difficult to finish.)

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By Pherror [Ignore] 15,Jan,24 17:33
Great recount, thanks for the boner!

By nekekal [Ignore] 15,Jan,24 14:46
Sounds great. I am glad it was good.

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