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More About Pip and I

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By Domino [Ignore] 16,Jan,24 04:00   Pageviews: 72

I have more stuff to share about me and my boyfriend Pip, so here’s another post

While I wouldn’t say that I’m a particularly horny person, especially since going on some meds a while ago that definitely made me calm down, Pip and I fuck pretty much every time we hang out.

That isn’t to say that’s all we do—far from it—but the intimacy is nice. Also, we’ve since upgraded to having him come to my place to stay the night.

My living situation is a little complex, but he’s met my mother and sibling at this point in time. Hence, why I had my first time in the bed of a truck instead of, well, a bed.

Anyway, Pip’s a real sweetheart to me. When we’re having sex, he’ll compliment me and I’ve gotten better with accepting it. I also try to do the same for him although I worry that I could be doing better for him.

Oh! And in December, we kinda ran out of condoms so I was a little irresponsible and let him fuck me anyway. He didn’t finish in me—I would have killed him—but that led to me getting an IUD so we wouldn’t have to worry as much. We’re not ready for kids lol.

Soooo that means we get to fuck raw.

A lot.

I told him to not do it all the time but he called me put for not stopping him ‘cause I like it too. Damn him for knowing me as well as he does.

Speaking of him finishing in me, though, I was kinda sad that I couldn’t feel it as much as I expected to. It makes sense but it’d be nice if it was a stronger feeling.

On the other hand, I can definitely feel it when I have cum sliding down my thighs lol.

Anyway, feel free to ask questions here and I’ll try to answer.

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By WristThick [Ignore] 16,Jan,24 22:53
"Oh! And in December, we kinda ran out of condoms so I was a little irresponsible and let him fuck me anyway. He didn’t finish in me—I would have killed him—but that led to me getting an IUD so we wouldn’t have to worry as much. We’re not ready for kids lol.

Soooo that means we get to fuck raw.

A lot."

You're wise beyond your years.
By Domino [Ignore] 20,Jan,24 20:35

By nekekal [Ignore] 16,Jan,24 14:13
From talking to a lot of women, I don't think any of them can feel cum inside of them. Much to the disappointment of porn. In porn the women can always feel it. In life, it just doesn't happen. Your cunt only has really sensitive nerves in the first couple of inches. About as far as you can reach. His cock is probably well past that when he puts cum into you. In fact, once he gets inside your cunt, feeling a fullness is probably the best that you can get. Except out at the opening. Your cunt opening probably really enjoys some cock. Good luck and happy fucking.

By Dee-TJ [Ignore] 16,Jan,24 13:11
Absolutely love your blogs!!!

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