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What's Love?

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By Celestial [Ignore] 15,Feb,24 11:23   Pageviews: 31


Please check it out and get back to me what you think LVE is about:

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By #706076 [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 14:08
Fucking with mutual desire and respect. Secondly the companionship which comes from years of living together sharing sex and emotions.
By Celestial [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 15:44

Yes, it's so nice to have someone to share life with.


By Jseagull0403 [Ignore] 16,Feb,24 21:45
Love is the sum total of all emotions
By Celestial [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 02:50


By #681164 [Ignore] 16,Feb,24 12:53
Love is considered to be both positive and negative, with its virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—"the unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another"
I just like the positive.
By Celestial [Ignore] 16,Feb,24 13:54


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