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Questionary about chat

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by admin [Ignore] 06,Aug,09 17:53  other posts
I wonder if you are cool with what you have now, or should I make the chat more modern, using javascript. I recently developed such script for another project, so I can do this relativelly easy. But some of you may not be able to use it anymore.

Present chat is very primitive by technology and works quite ugly, but it's advantage is that it works in almost any browser. More advanced script may not work in some rare browsers, mobile devices, or in common browsers with paranoid security settings.

Advantages of the new script would be: no continuous noisy reloads and faster responce times.

So the question is: should I modernize the chat, or you are OK with what you have now?

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By sailor [Ignore] 08,Aug,09 09:07 other posts 
if it ain't broke, don't break it.

By #9956 07,Aug,09 08:28
I say go for it. Like you said if it doesnt work you change it back.
I agree that the chat box on top is much better at least for me. I am on the site a lot at work and now it can hide private pics that people post in chat.

Great site by the way. I have been having so much fun on here!
By admin [Ignore] 07,Aug,09 09:26 other posts 
thanks :)

By #8288 06,Aug,09 19:17
And thanks for moving the CHAT dialogue box to the top. It was a very simple change, but results in a much easier viewing experience and better usability.
By admin [Ignore] 06,Aug,09 20:04 other posts 
One member complained about this before, but I did not really get it. I just recently realized that depending on a screen resolution and font size it may be very uncomfortable when it's at the bottom.

By #8288 06,Aug,09 19:15
PLEASE no fancy-smancy features. All they really do is require more bandwidth, more powerful machines, software updates, etc. You will have many members unable to access/participate because of various software incompatibilities and/or configuration settings.

I consider myself fairly computer/tech literate and I HATE when a site is so fancy that nothing works properly or my system will constantly lockup or crash. As it is, it seems that I spend more time "updating" my system and its software than actually "using" it. Trying to figure out the proper settings or incompatibility issues at various websites is a huge headache.

Also, the more "features" you have, the more potential security loopholes, backdoors, and risks you are likely to introduce to the environment.

Keep it simple. PLEASE!!
By admin [Ignore] 06,Aug,09 20:02 other posts 
Oh, no. There will be no features consuming bandwidth. Just, as I said, better responce times and no frame reloads. Actually it will consume LESS bandwidth.

I think I'd better try it in public chat and then if members do not like it, I'll roll it back...

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