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What Knd of underwear do you wear?

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Started by #28597 [Ignore] 27,Sep,09 01:35
What Knd of underwear do you wear? Personally I wear boxers but would like to get some boxer briefs. Wore them for the longest time and switched to boxers and miss the support. Im an athletic guy and in boxers I'm always floping around.

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By bigdick33 [Ignore] 05,Aug,17 08:27 other posts 

By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 04,Aug,17 05:44 other posts 
Boxers, or occasionally boxer briefs when a girl likes to see that. I don't know what 'floping' is, but if boxers aren't enough support and you don't wanna switch, you can also try different brands/styles. It seems like some fit tighter on the sides of the crotch and keep things from getting too outta control.

By #539358 04,Aug,17 04:16
Classic white briefs, usually Hanes, FOTL or Munsingwear

By #513166 07,Oct,16 06:12
none or boxer briefs

By #503907 07,Oct,16 04:47
[deleted image]

By #460523 06,Oct,16 18:47
none for the last 16 years

By #497672 06,Oct,16 09:16
None - never have since I got married.

By #435052 04,Jul,15 03:28
Most of the time I don't wear any. But if I have to I wear tanga briefs. Does anyone else wear tanga briefs??
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Oct,16 06:02 other posts 
I looked them up on Amazon. I NEED some but I don't think they'll give me the six pack that the models have.

By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Oct,16 05:58 other posts 
I have a LOT of underwear. Panties in the summer, in the morning before work or if my friends are visiting, Joe Boxers (spandex tight) for "normal" wear and outside in the winter, I have some briefs too and of course the obligatory tighty whities (Calvin Klein). My friend Judy lives 200km from me but we talk every day. She is my "panty manager" and she decides what colour I wear almost every day.

By #302771 01,Oct,16 23:01
Jock strap type unless I'm told to wear something else

By #372661 01,Oct,16 14:35
I wear a product called "Naked Shield" it's a microfiber boxer brief. Expensive but well worth the money. No creeping up the crack or junky waistbands, just a nice comfy house for the beans and frank.

By #519823 01,Oct,16 04:33
White briefs

By Mrdixon33 [Ignore] 29,Sep,16 22:04 other posts 

By #102374 29,Sep,16 19:17

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 29,Sep,16 12:22 other posts 
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

I try to get the ones with an "extra large pouch"
By gazlittlewilly [Ignore] 29,Sep,16 17:48 other posts 
lucky you
I find most pouches far too roomy!

By #64328 29,Sep,16 15:18
Boxer briefs for me.

By cumjohn [Ignore] 29,Sep,16 14:24 other posts 
Briefs, gives best support and looks better on me.

By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 29,Sep,16 14:07 other posts 
Dont ware any at all and havent for 45 years..Wouldnt mind maybe trying some sexy panties one day!

By #486048 29,Sep,16 13:43
I always wear briefs.wouldnt change that for anything else.

By lilbuttlvr [Ignore] 29,Sep,16 13:22 other posts 

By #485312 24,Oct,15 18:02
[deleted image][deleted image]
Love my boy leg laceys *lix*
By #486758 29,Sep,16 10:37
mmmmm very hot and sexy

By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Sep,16 04:14 other posts 
I wear modern ones like this only registered users can see external links

By #519017 29,Sep,16 03:04
Tight briefs to show off my bulge.

By earthy [Ignore] 24,Oct,15 03:49 other posts 
I wear boxer briefs or just briefs. I tried boxers for a while but didn't like them. Boxer briefs just feel better.

By bi1953 [Ignore] 17,Oct,15 22:05 other posts 

By #460523 14,Oct,15 21:19
I like no underwear like to be free

By #460523 14,Oct,15 21:14

By #497672 14,Oct,15 07:49
Nothing usually

By #488147 11,Oct,15 22:32
[deleted image]

By skinb [Ignore] 11,Oct,15 18:34 other posts 
Banana hammocks!

By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 05,Oct,15 21:51 other posts 

By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Jul,15 19:08 other posts 
I'm wearing no underwear today
By #485312 14,Jul,15 10:29
that's the same as you were wearing yesterday too *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Jul,15 13:40 other posts 
That's right. And you know its advantage? .... you don't have to wash it!
By #23212 03,Oct,15 03:09
Well, OK, not the underware. But then there is washing of 'other vestments', eh non?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,15 04:13 other posts 
Sure. I was referring to the futility of washing undies when you don't wear them.
By #23212 03,Oct,15 04:17
And I was referring to the likely more frequent need therefore for washing pants.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,15 17:22 other posts 
Very few people wash pants on this side of the Atlantic. Most of them wash trousers.
By #23212 04,Oct,15 00:12
OK yes, I used the English North American term. When I go to your side of the Atlantic I will use, 'trousers, pantalon, pantalones, hose, pantaloni', etc.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,15 01:55 other posts 
I know. You're linguistically savvy and sensitive!
By #23212 04,Oct,15 02:19
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,15 07:18 other posts 
Oh, du talar svenska nu?

Question: The word "pantaloni" belongs to which language?
By #23212 05,Oct,15 01:52
No Svenska, sorry--I used Google Translate. But I do speak all the other languages, some better than others.

The plura 'i' on the end of the word 'pantaloni' should be the 'give away' that it's Italian.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Oct,15 15:57 other posts 
Yes, indeed, but it is also used in other languages in almost identical form, like greek, that's why I asked.

By #240539 04,Oct,15 18:04
I'm always commando

By #455846 04,Oct,15 10:47
i have a variety, i like mostly boxer briefs but like to have otheres around/ a selection thongs are nice and jock straps also - dont often wear them with jeans, normally go comando

By #206678 03,Oct,15 16:14
I can only wear underwear that has a fly at the front so that when I take a piss I dont have to pull the undies down to get my dick out.
The fly helps to keep my dick looking foward to piss.

By metalraven13 [Ignore] 03,Oct,15 15:17 other posts 
boxer briefs

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