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Cock phenomenon

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #248022 [Ignore] 04,Apr,12 11:08
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to hear your thoughts on why a cock can be a turn on or considered attractive -- as it is a weird looking body part if you really think about it. It has always puzzled me since I, myself, cannot answer this.

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By bigone21 [Ignore] 04,Apr,12 12:36 other posts 
interesting question!! yes, you never have a thought about someone's ears...

it must be that the view of someone's genitals trigger something in our heads! in the sex- or lust-centre. being attracted has a function: sex ===> reproduction.

also, i think there is NO part of the male anatomy that differs in size randomly as much as the size of a cock does! BIG guys with tiny cocks, small guys with HUGE cocks, ALL is possible! and that's intriguing..!

By #6568 04,Apr,12 11:57
That's the most interesting part about sex, can't usually be intellectualised or analysed, just have the feelings and desires that you do. Yes, the penis is quite an uninspiring pody part most of the time and when one sees a group of men naked together they can often look quite comical as their genital swing about between their thighs,....but photos on the web make me think that as men get erect the whole look and atmosphere changes to a more meaningful air...

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Show your Genitals