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Started by #186712 [Ignore] 31,May,12 08:47
Hey guys and girls!

I have seen many 'Cunt'-profiles ans now i'm wondering which girl you think is the hottest one.

Explain why you think that

Start posting now!


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By #633624 01,Jun,21 09:34
Not fully sure if these profiles are real but...

For me it's either FilthyMilfyKelly:

Or SouthernGal:

By #634805 24,May,21 22:44
Not sure I can vote as a female but I like blonde bartender and several others😜

By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,May,21 16:42 other posts 
Yes, I agree.

By #632553 05,Jan,21 14:01
Blondbartender is smokin hot
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,21 14:21 other posts 
blondebartender is lovely! I'm sure she will be happy to know that you think that she's a hottie!
By #584899 05,Jan,21 15:43
I have to agree...she is gorgeous!
By #632553 05,Jan,21 16:14
She is more than lovely, but my tiny dick is apparently to small for her. I would love just to suck on her tits and eat her pussy.
By #632553 08,Jan,21 19:52
Blondebartender actually visited my page!
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,21 21:35 other posts 
Good to hear! There is much to be said about the "softer" approach. You did not objectify her, you merely said she was "smokin' hot", and that's all it took for her to want to know who you are.

Why not visit her page again, thank her for visiting your page and perhaps gift her something small, as a token of your interest and appreciation?
By DJS [Ignore] 22,May,21 14:22 other posts 
She visits me most nights in my dreams
lol..Cums then goes,

By #632721 22,May,21 07:53

By #621517 13,Nov,20 02:48
Adela gets my vote. Those long legs and that so innocent look!
By Beata [Ignore] 02,May,21 16:54 other posts 
Thank you for voting on me

By Monsterboy [Ignore] 11,Jan,21 18:32 other posts 
Why judge where there all hot

By 2nice [Ignore] 05,Jan,21 19:26 other posts 
I have my favorite, but I'll never tell.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,21 21:38 other posts 
It's me, right? I'm your favorite.

By #610414 27,Dec,20 14:57
The s thread is from May 31, 2012. Eight years old
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,21 14:17 other posts 
Does the age of the thread make it less relevant?
By #610414 05,Jan,21 18:46
Not to me, but people's looks change. The real reason I brought it up is that it's unusual for a thread to be commented on after eight years.

By #485312 27,Dec,20 14:10
only registered users can see external links
Candy Love, aka the most
beautiful couple on site

By #615280 12,Nov,20 09:34
[deleted image]
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 11:33 other posts 
Miriam ist schon lange weg.
By #615280 12,Nov,20 11:35
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 11:39 other posts 
Das war der Name "sie", als sie hier war.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Dec,20 14:10 other posts 
Yes, Miriam-23 .
By #633051 27,Dec,20 13:06
agree but is she active ?
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Dec,20 13:11 other posts 
Just a question, did you tap on the hyperlink? Yes, she was active yesterday when I posted as well as just moments ago, prior to my post.
By #633051 27,Dec,20 13:41
Yes I saw she was on. Agree she ids hot

By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Nov,20 23:38 other posts 
As I understand things here...This should be deleted...A coward posted this...If not show us a profile...Show whom you are and I will get back to you on the question...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Nov,20 23:36 other posts 
That is a good question...I need some time on that one...See whom shittles is obsessed with...So whomever he is talking about, that should be in her favor...He does not favor women...Ask about guys here and he could answer...༼☯﹏☯༽

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 09,Nov,20 11:05 other posts 
NOT the Saggy Granny
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Nov,20 19:49 other posts 
Or the walrus
By #584706 17,Nov,20 16:42
You are so mean Skittles!!!
By #551147 20,Nov,20 02:08
Nah! He's just a cunty!

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Nov,20 19:22 other posts 
[deleted image]

By #584706 17,Nov,20 19:25
I bet you don't get that from other ladies here???? From what I am told most could not even be bothered to reply to men let alone make custom pictures and tribute pictures for them,
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Nov,20 19:26 other posts 
That is why I visited you in Australia last year
By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,20 19:46 other posts 
Like I said under that picture,He is a lucky schoundrel and he better leave me enough for LUNCH buffet!!!

By #460385 21,Oct,15 17:37
[deleted image] I'm picking her. Lol
By #584899 09,Nov,20 16:02
I have to second this vote!!
good choice
By #584706 17,Nov,20 16:40
As you should,

By phart [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 20:07 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 10:51 other posts 
Really, phart? Of course your choice is attractive but beyond that, what holds your attention?

Me, I think sherryann has it in spades! sherryann is the complete package. She's lovely, she's kind, she's generous, she's passionate.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 11:40 other posts 
I can agree with that she always treats me good
By #574505 12,Nov,20 13:58
Yes I agree
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 16:35 other posts 
You are a good man with a kind heart!
By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 14:07 other posts 
Yes she is a nice lady for sure.I thought it was "HOT" in the topic. everyone's idea of "Hot" is different.I just for some reason always lean towards the tiny,short,small breast type,with sexy legs?
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 16:34 other posts 
Cool! sherryann is a beautiful lady, inside and out.

A "hot" appearance only takes a man or woman so far. I tend to consider the ENTIRE package.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 16:37 other posts 
Most women never hang around me enough for me to learn the whole package.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 16:40 other posts 
Most likely, you are not seeking out the right women. Be open, don't limit yourself to certain aesthetic values.
By sherryann [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 17:20 other posts 
Dear bella!. Wow, words fail me right now. I can't thank you enough for your kind words, thoughtful ways, and particularly what you said about ME! A mere "thank you" doesn't seem adequate. Thank you bella!. How kind!. Thanks phart, dgraff and Jamie. You all are very kind. bella!, I wish my words could convey my feelings. Thank you.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 21:49 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 06:24 other posts 
Your a sweetheart sherry Ann and deserve our words of praise and I worry about you living in the Windy City with all the violence going on in the world Bella is a dear friend of mine for some 7 years now and I worry about her living even 50 miles outside of Detroit another ruff and violent city what sticks out in my mind about Bella is she once called my shop phone and sang happy birthday to me on my answering machine how sweet was that I wasn’t at the shop at the time I was out with the tow truck rescuing a stranded motorist
--------------------------------------- added after 37 minutes

Bella!and sherryann
By sherryann [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 10:55 other posts 
Thank you dgraff, that is very kind. Oh, I bet that made your day, I know I would have loved it. Good for you bella! for singing, and thank you dgraff for sharing. Makes me see a glimmer of hope in this current upside down world we're in. Thanks for making my day!
Now we better let the guys get back to submitting their favorite SYC girl.
Thanks again bella!, that was beyond kind.

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