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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #274667 [Ignore] 28,Oct,12 01:58
when you are standing next to a hot guy how do you peek at their dicks without being caught i usually just use peripheral vision but i dont really get to see. What do u do.

also im thinking of going to the gym and im excited about the showers and change rooms, but what happens if i get a hard on im guessing everyone will be straight so what will they think what should i do

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By #305812 12,Nov,12 16:58
I stand back from the urinal giving any man that wants to see my dick a good view.

I usually dont try to look at another mans cock while hes pissing.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 28,Oct,12 19:10 other posts 
Peeking at the guy at the next urinal depends on the circumstances. If he acts like he doesn't want you to see his dick, then don't look or be discreet. If he acts like he doesn't care or even wants to show himself off, then look to your heart's content and let him know you like what you see. Let your eyes move from his dick up to his eyes and lick your lips, smile and wink at him.

As for getting an erection in the gym showers or changing rooms, the best course of action is to do nothing. This has happened to every man in the world, gay or straight, at least once. You should neither flaunt it nor attempt to hide it. Just keep on doing whatever you'd be doing if you didn't have an erection. Odds are everyone will pretend not to notice.
By #291618 28,Oct,12 21:05
By spermkiss [Ignore] 29,Oct,12 20:45 other posts 
Some further thoughts. Actually it's kind of fun to get an erection in gym showers and changing rooms. When I do I keep my clothes off as long as possible but at the same time act totally oblivious to the fact that I have an erection. To see the other guys pretending not to notice while sneeking looks at my dick is exciting. Makes my dick even harder.

It's also fun to get an erection when I'm out in public and not wearing underpants.
By #291618 30,Oct,12 00:44
I get nervous when i have an erection on the looker rooms i try to hide it
By spermkiss [Ignore] 30,Oct,12 11:40 other posts 
Man, let me give you a bit of advice. Erections are normal and natural. Yes, they are usually a sign of sexual arousal, but they can also occur spontaneously anywhere, anytime and for no apparent reason. All men get them (or wish they did).

You should never, ever, be embarrassed or ashamed over having an erection. This is a recipe for impotence. When you get to be my age you'll realize that there are a lot of things in life that are worse than having an erection. One of them is NOT having an erection.

So as I said previously, if you get an erection at the gym, enjoy it and enjoy showing yourself off. The other guys there will enjoy looking at you. Trust me on this. ALL MEN like looking at other men's dicks, not just gay men. It's a guy thing, not a gay thing. And men especially like looking at HARD dicks.

Finally, did you notice the delightful typo in your last comment? I'm sure you meant to say "locker rooms", but instead you typed "looker rooms". What a hoot!
By #201311 31,Oct,12 15:44

By #291618 30,Oct,12 15:27
thanks for the advise but i meant i get ashamed only when it happens on the looker rooms
By spermkiss [Ignore] 31,Oct,12 10:49 other posts 
Well, don't be. Just relax and enjoy the attention your hard dick is generating.

By bikev [Ignore] 31,Oct,12 09:42 other posts 
Stand well back and slowly rub your cock. If others want to look you will soon find out. If they are not interested they just leave. Never had any problems or been threatened with ****. I have even had straight guys turn to me and let me either wank them or suck them off.

By #285834 28,Oct,12 21:36
Hm ... haven't seeing urinal without the barrier for quite some time by now. Beside those panels are mandatory now by the code. Seems to me ....
By spermkiss [Ignore] 29,Oct,12 20:53 other posts 
That's terrible! Being able to whip it out and show it off as well as check out the other guys is one of the real joys of going to take a piss. Best of all were the old trough style urinals about six or eight feet long. Guys could stand shoulder to shoulder with their dicks out pissing together into the same trough. Real comaraderie.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 30,Oct,12 11:46 other posts 
I sort of doubt that barriers between urinals are mandatory by code, at least not everywhere. Perhaps they are in some local areas, but I don't see them all that often where I live.

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