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i have a crush on peach

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Started by johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 02:12  other posts
I have a crush on peach but i think she is about to ban me....Any advice on how i might convince her im worth keeping around??

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By #325596 25,Jan,13 10:32
How could anyone not have a crush on Peach? She is an incredibly beautiful woman.
By johnp [Ignore] 25,Jan,13 11:06 other posts 
thats what im sayin!

By #303133 22,Jan,13 12:57
Perhaps you could stop doing/saying things that would encourage her to ban you?
By johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 13:32 other posts 
So what u r saying is whatever my natrual response, action, or comment might be do the exact opposite! Sounds simple enough but iveu been tryin to do that my whole life with little success
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 13:40 other posts 
Peach is a beautiful, intelligent and worldly woman ( plus she likes to dabble in the forum ). I suspect that she appreciates strong minded men. You've put it out there, "the ball is in her court".......let Peach contact you if she desires.
By johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 14:29 other posts 
i am not extremely intelligent or worldly but do the best w what god gave me....whish me luck! Ur kinda sexy as well bella maybe ill come for u next!
By #303133 22,Jan,13 15:19
No. What I am saying is that if you think she is about to ban you, you probably know why. Obviously, there is just something about you that pisses her off...
By johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 15:36 other posts 
Ya she really doesnt like me
By #301038 22,Jan,13 15:43
I have nothing against you personally, I'm just not all that found of your methods.

If I was a bee, I'd say, I like all flowers, but yours seems to stink of a spoiled meet, cause you try to attract flies, not bees.
By johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 16:40 other posts 
By #301038 22,Jan,13 17:10
Some flowers are carnivorous and eat insects, there is nothing wrong with it, just the way of nature to keep everyone fed and happy.
By johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 17:17 other posts 
By #301038 22,Jan,13 17:21
For each their own. What kind of women are attracted to you in real life?
By #274357 22,Jan,13 17:24
Deep southern WalMart employees who walk around with chew spittin' bottles.
By #301038 22,Jan,13 17:31
let him answer, 2nice, I'm curious about what he has to say.
By johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 17:36 other posts 
U wouldnt believe me if i told u.....calm dwn 2nice just cuz ur hear for different reasons than me doesnt mean u have to throw around the insults.......
By #301038 22,Jan,13 17:55
I'm really curious about your answer...
By johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 18:09 other posts 
Well my wiife is way out of my leauge but she has ea masters degree in business and was always self supporting....when we got married she helped me run and grow my company.....to be honest ive never had trouble geting laid in real life....when i was single id fuck any thing that looked good but only dated smart intellectual wemon....but thats not what me and 99.9% of men on this site r looking for ...u probly wont believe a word i just said and u and ur "crew" can all have a good laugh call me a hillbilly cuz i like to fuc but i guesss that kinda fun 2
By #303133 22,Jan,13 18:25
No one called you a hillbilly.
By johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 18:32 other posts 
U sure? Maybe it was implied
By #303133 22,Jan,13 18:33
I make it a point to never "imply" hillbilly. That would just be rude.
By #139037 23,Jan,13 00:34
You're such a hillbilly, will. Saying it out loudly is better than just implying it indeed!
By johnp [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 10:18 other posts 
Whats wrong with a hillbilly anyways haven't u seen duck dynasty? ? I would advise before u attempt to insult me try reading some of my comments to wemon/men most of them r public...
By johnp [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 10:21 other posts 
Or even take the time to read this tread and please quote something of mine that sounds hillbilly-ish!
By #139037 23,Jan,13 18:12
Your name is also Will? In that case, sorry, I meant to insult the other Will. If not please, next time read before replying. What's up with reading nowadays? Seems like people are either unwilling or unable to read in this era :s
By #301038 23,Jan,13 18:16
Both...or even all three, like those 3 monkeys statue "can't see, can't say, can't hear".... can't read, can't comprehend, can't spell. I blame the government for poor quality of education!!!

Plus, don't forget that being smart is a very bad thing. Better to be cool and hang out with cool pips, than spend time devoting improvement of one's brain function...It's so lame.

I was a shocker to me, when I went to take am ASVAB prep class. I didn't go to school in US, and I thought that be a good idea. I was planning on joining the army... We were doing paragraph comprehension... I volunteered to read, everyone laughed at my accent, but then, when it was time for the test, I was the only one to get 100% on it... and I was the only foreigner out there. I was speechless.... I don't know how this was possible.
By johnp [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 19:38 other posts 
Now peach dont put words in my mouth again....i never said being smart was a bad thing.....telling people u r then making fun and insulting now thats different......
By johnp [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 19:35 other posts 
Sorry freewilly i thot u were talkin to me
By #301038 23,Jan,13 19:24
Sweets, you were the first one to bring "hillbilly" to the table... are you secretly want to be a hillbilly, but your smart wife is in the way?

If you read the text 3 times, it might help you to understand the meaning of the words better...
By johnp [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 19:41 other posts 
I thought freewilly called me a hillbilly sorry but yes now that u mention it i would like to be a hillbilly i could hunt and fish all the time..awsome
By #301038 23,Jan,13 23:05
My husband thinks that you mastered the virtue of being annoying... Is that how you got your wife to say "Yes"?
By johnp [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 23:18 other posts 
He's probably not to far off on that one peach! Like i said shes way out of my league!
By #301038 24,Jan,13 00:31
Did you take her kitty hostage or something?
By johnp [Ignore] 24,Jan,13 02:21 other posts 
Her kitty? Wtf r u taliking about peach? U mean like her cat? Held it hostage or somthing? ?...na i justy kept after her....sound familar
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Did i took? Jeez u cant spell either!!! Do u think u r catching it from me????
By #301038 24,Jan,13 04:33
Hey, you're learning... I wonder if you stick around, maybe you'll improve your spelling...

I was referring to her pussy, her vagina.... were you her sir HeMakesMeCumAlot?
By johnp [Ignore] 24,Jan,13 15:53 other posts 
By johnp [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 21:30 other posts 
PS it kinda gives me a bonner w u call me sweets
By johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 18:30 other posts 
Dont get wrong sshe doesnt speak multiple languages or quote poetry almost anyone can do that and she could for sure....she is smart ambitious loveing and KIND
By #301038 22,Jan,13 19:31
I'm very happy for you and your wife. With such a wonderful wife, I wouldn't be having a crush on some random person from an exhibitionists website. I know if my husband had a crush on someone out here, I wouldn't appreciate it, not even a bit.

And out of all the people I talk to, I haven't had a crush on single one of them. This is not a dating site!!!
By johnp [Ignore] 22,Jan,13 19:50 other posts 
U just contradicted everything u have been saying....all day u have been talking about how u r turned on by a guys mind and u needed to get to know him b4 u can go there sexually which is fine and very normal for wemon all ive been trying to get u to c is that is not y 99.9% of men are hear.....we dont give a shit if u can speak pig latin sideways and have a phd because we realize thiss is not real life..we can come here and talk about fucking and sucking and for the most part people doncare...u have been treating it like a dating site (at least from the comments u have mad to me) not me....dont flatter ur self by "crush" i dont mean i want something meaningful and long lasting....it just means ur hot and id love to fuck u and my wife at the same time! PS please dont ban me i still would like to have a tug to your page every now and again!
By #301038 23,Jan,13 00:06
PS. You are keep saying wemon... first I thought it was a typo, like the rest of the stuff in your posts, buy after repeated used of "wemon", it makes me wonder... do you know that it is women? Or a woman?
By johnp [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 10:32 other posts 
Know i didnt no that...but u r so sexy when u try and learn me tell me more! Whats the difference between the too......
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

U have more pix!? I didnt know that option was on the table!! Ill behave i promise......we r really saying the same thing if u go back and read i just like to fire u up a bit....its hot! Can u feel the sexual tension between us??
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

P.S bichy peach=bonner....
By #301038 23,Jan,13 18:17
I don't teach 2nd grade, sorry.
By johnp [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 19:42 other posts 
Come one peach ur sexy w u school me damn it!
By #301038 24,Jan,13 00:32
i have know clue, what you were trying to say...
--------------------------------------- added after 8 hours

By #316049 24,Jan,13 05:53
Enough is enough champ, stop pestering her. She deserves a medal for not firing-up at, and/or be-littling you more intensely. Chalk this one up as a loss...
By johnp [Ignore] 24,Jan,13 15:57 other posts 
Gotcha anon.....its gettin old......will u come up with an interesting topic im bored and have some time on my hands (obviously )........
By #326485 25,Jan,13 00:41
Some people, not Peach, ban anyone who confronts them or disagrees with them as a way of stopping the discussion. Peach all that you need is a large bowl of cream to sit in and you would be perfect.
By johnp [Ignore] 25,Jan,13 10:11 other posts 

By #88520 24,Jan,13 01:48
I have a crush on your tits Peach, can you set up a date?
By johnp [Ignore] 24,Jan,13 03:25 other posts 
If u get in w that line im gunna b pissed!
By #301038 24,Jan,13 04:27
he was in, long time ago, quite a charming young man...
By #88520 24,Jan,13 06:01
I thought I would get invited again to check out that floor of yours
By johnp [Ignore] 24,Jan,13 15:58 other posts 
Thats cheating u were already in
By #229050 24,Jan,13 13:12
Peach? Date? is this a fruit discussion? On second thoughts, don`t give a fig...
By johnp [Ignore] 24,Jan,13 15:59 other posts 
Biggusdicksus ur funy dude!
--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours

I can actually understand your jokes!

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