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Oh so fragile male ego.

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #301038 [Ignore] 07,Mar,13 06:04
I was thinking about writing this post for a while now, but I didn't want to hurt fragile male egos any more. Simply because, it only causes more aggression, hatred and hurt feelings, rather than a bit of understanding and maybe, just maybe a hint to take different actions.

As you all know, there are much more men on this site, than women. Women come to this site for different reasons. And seems like most men have absolutely no regard for what women want. I notice a myriad of caddish members, who only care about what they want and if their wishes doesn't coincide with what a woman of their desires wants, they feel the need to call her a "Bitch", "Cunt", "Whore" and other names they see fit. Very few people can take rejection with dignity. For those, who can, I'm immensely grateful.

Recently, it went even beyond rejection. I posted "KEEP CALM AND READ MY BLOG" sign to give users a hint to familiarize themselves with my blog, as it contains answers to most questions they ever feel the need to ask, gives certain ideas about who I am, what I like and don't like. I wrote a blog for very selfish reasons, I wanted to make my life easier and free myself from monotonous questions, that I'm simply sick and tired of. I want to chat with interesting people, discuss topics I'm interested in, instead of wasting my time on "Do you like my cock?", "How old are you?" and "Do you want to skype with me". If you are curious to hear the whole list of questions I'm being asked on regular basis, follow the link /blogs/14027.html

Anyways... here's what I have to deal with:

Mar 7, 02:05 Peach: Lol... wow. Glad we got that figured out!
Mar 7, 02:04 XXX: See u
Mar 7, 02:04 XXX: Ok bitch it s really to complicate for me
Mar 7, 02:04 Peach: Please read my blog first
Mar 7, 01:58 Peach: thanks, glad you liked it
Mar 7, 01:56 XXX: Fantastic pussy the best
Mar 7, 01:56 XXX: Could u add me plzzz
Mar 7, 01:56 XXX: I need to see ur pic full size my pretty woman
Mar 7, 01:56 XXX: Could u add me plzzz
Mar 7, 01:55 XXX: Fantastic pussy the best

Is this really too much to ask for? I'm approaching my friend limit and I'm not adding every one who compliments my pussy and asks to add them, only the one I LIKE and I FIND interesting. If someone have no respect for my wishes, I will not move my pinky to grant them theirs.

Here is another gentleman:

Mar 5, 07:34 Peach: I have it written in BOLD in my profile and you didn't even bother to read it... What did you expect?
Mar 5, 07:33 Peach: and a charmer too... huh?
Mar 5, 07:33 XXX:: Fuck you bitch
Mar 5, 07:31 Peach: because you are an ignorant person
Mar 5, 07:31 XXX:: Why not
Mar 5, 07:29 Peach: no
Mar 5, 07:28 XXX: Skype

Even if I was desperate for attention, I still wouldn't talk to someone, who can't spare a glance to familiarize themselves with a short profile. These two examples are very common, but there are many others that know how to behave themselves with a woman, even if it is a virtual relations.

I met lot's of great friends on here, wonderful, smart, sexy people, and I wish everyone would take a minute to get to know each other before imposing your own wishes and desires on someone else. Even though, it's a site where women share their naked pics, I am not your personal whore, who would do anything you ask.

I am a happily married woman, who is worshipped by her husband and doesn't experience any lack of attention, whatsoever. I am on this site to simply show my naked pictures, engage in interesting conversations and chat with friends, and not to stroke your ego, tell you how great your cock is, skype with you, send you private pics, tell you how small/big your cock is, or being verbally аbused for taking а stand. I refuse to be treated like a dirty whore. Is that clear? If you don't agree with me, please feel free to avoid me and move on.

P.S: I understand, that we all had different childhood experiences, various role models, that might have been less than ideal. As you reach a certain age, you gain enough self control to manage your own life. You can take an active step and brake the pattern, learn from your own mistakes, try different methods to achieve goals, read some self help books.

How one of my friends described this problem: "Selective hearing! We'd rather ignore bad news and keep banging our head against the wall, till it turns into good news"... unfortunately, it's not easy to admit, that you are wrong, or that you are not liked, if you already have low self esteem and overly fragile male ego. It's much easier to become defensive and hostile, and blame the whole world for your own problems. Before, you are going to call another female "a bitch", look deep inside and ask yourself, who is really a bitch in this situation? A female, who takes a stand for what she believes, or a man who can't take a "No" for an answer with dignity??? Think about it.

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By #59855 15,Mar,13 15:11
From Matt's Wife: Holy crap! I love the butt hurt and the sense of entitlement. Here is a news flash guys, women don't owe you anything. For slider to sit there and tell you that you need to figure out who you are and why you are here....what an asshat! Who does he think he is? Listen snow flake......when your mother told you that you are special.............................SHE LIED!
--------------------------------------- added after 92 hours

From Matt's Wife: L0L, Now he left he site.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 11:02 other posts 
You mean my mom lied? My teachers lied? I rode that damn short bus with the retarded kids for nothin???

I don't even know who this post was directed to.
I just read this post and had to laugh and type that!

By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 10:59 other posts 
I am not the brightest bulb in the hallway and sometimes I flash and blink at random. But I have never understood the need or desire to call a woman a cunt or a bitch as a "freindly" gesture.I could understand it completely if she about hit me with her car while jammbering on the cell phone but just to walk up and say "Hey Bitch". Naw,Never saw the reason behind it.

By curvy8 [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 05:53 other posts 
I love your attitude. The same reason I am here too.

By jackthestripper [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 05:49 other posts 
While I understand her perspective, wanting to have interesting conversations with people, chat with friends and show her body, and how it can be frustrating to be constantly engaged with unwanted attention like guys asking to Skype or getting an opinion on their dicks (especially guys who can't take no for an answer) BUT, what the hell would you expect on a site like this one? It's like going to a pig farm and complaining that there are pigs and it stinks.

By #610913 26,Jul,20 03:34
A real man has no need to belittle a woman in order to boost his ego. He knows it. What the women give us here is truly a gift. May I never feel entitled. The great thing about this site is that a beautiful woman can come here and feel comfortable and secure. Take that away and the ladies don't come here any more. Take that away from me, you stupid jackasses, and there are those of us on here that WILL NOT appreciate it. Just sayin'

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