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where u embarrassed at school about ur cock

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Started by #306220 [Ignore] 12,Mar,13 09:17
I was embarrassed because my pubic hair was growing at the age of 9 years and every time I went swimming with the school everyone would look at my pubic hair and I had one of the biggest cocks in school it was 7 inch when I was 9 years old

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By Mynakedcock [Ignore] 11,Jul,24 02:24 other posts 
No I never cared about being seen naked so even after PE I would just strip off naked to shower in front of all the other boys who mostly tried to hide their cocks.

By _alex [Ignore] 06,Jun,24 07:50 other posts 
Yes in middle school and high school there were guys much bigger than me

By LittleBlueberry [Ignore] 28,May,24 21:48 other posts 
I was afraid to get naked too because there are pimples bigger than my little inverted dick. Also my empty sack looks like a pussy and I was afraid that someone would see it and tell everyone

By Cody8789 [Ignore] 28,May,24 18:09 other posts 
I doubt that

By onthelose [Ignore] 28,May,24 16:59 other posts 
Unfortunately, I had a fellow classmate who was bigger than the rest . He would denigrate us for being normal. I thought to myself what has he got to be proud of. He had NOTHING to do with having a larger cock.

By Alwaysnude [Ignore] 19,May,24 21:47 other posts 
I had one of the smallest in school PE class and I was on the swim team everyone knew many girls prefer smaller guys my younger brother had me beat by 3 or 4 inches I got used to it

By Lookingtosee [Ignore] 12,May,24 13:41 other posts 
I got embarrassed when I got a raging hard on in gym class.therw was a classmate of mine he had a great body and nice cock,everything I took a shower I had to try and not get one day therw were only about 5 of us in the shower he was next to me I could stop staring got hard,and everyone saw I was the laugh of the scroll for the rest of the year..

By thicknsmooth [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 01:13 other posts 
I was embarrassed on a bit different level, number one I had a much bigger dick than all the other boys and number two, I was attracted and curious of the other boys. I was always afraid of getting a hard on at school and afraid they would notice. I wanted to explore and had urges to suck on some of the other boys dicks but was to afraid of being called gay.
By DarkMax [Ignore] 09,May,24 11:54 other posts 
I was the biggest at the kindergarten:
By thicknsmooth [Ignore] 09,May,24 21:12 other posts 
That is really cool I love thinking back on those times. I love to hear the stories of others that had similar experiences

By #124665 10,May,13 04:45
7" at 9 years? Yeah ok...
By #261704 10,May,13 14:05
I have a friend who is an aid in a kindergarten class and she says when helping kids in the bathroom 2 times she's seen what she described as "very large for an adult"... at that age
By #124665 10,May,13 14:24
Well having been through the school system myself, gym classes, changing in locker rooms, and changing in the work place, in my experience, kids or grown men I can't say I've ever seen a 7" flaccid swinging around. This doesn't mean they don't exist, they do but they are rare outliers or the norm. Go to a nude beach with your ruler and have fun. It must be something in the water
By DarkMax [Ignore] 09,May,24 12:44 other posts 
My story about kindergarten: /blogs/53304.html

By #532415 20,Feb,18 04:20
I had the biggest dick of my friends at 12 - 13. My friends Mom would watch us skinny dip and just stare at me. And at home my Mom would do the same....
By DarkMax [Ignore] 09,May,24 12:24 other posts 
It sounds like a great interesting story!

By DarkMax [Ignore] 03,Mar,18 14:01 other posts 
I have never be embarrassed, but I have a bigger penis than my friends
By #654059 20,Nov,21 04:38
I just looked at your pics. If you were anywhere near as big then as you
are now, I don’t doubt it at all that you were bigger than all your friends
By DarkMax [Ignore] 20,Nov,21 15:30 other posts 
By DarkMax [Ignore] 09,May,24 12:09 other posts 
I was close to this: /blogs/53351.html

By DarkMax [Ignore] 09,May,24 11:50 other posts 
It's a lot I was ~5: my story: /blogs/53351.html

By PITBULL [Ignore] 27,Sep,22 12:55 other posts 
When I was in high school I will get an erection before taking my clothes off. I saw some guys with boners but I try to hide and cover my erection. Now I don't care if anyone saw me with an erection.

By #463848 27,Sep,22 03:49
In my class, all but two were about my size. The two who were bigger seemed to be more advanced in experience too.

By #275407 13,Sep,22 21:27
When I was in middle school and high school I was very shy. I couldn't keep myself from always having an erection, so I wouldn't take any showers nor would I ever get undressed around others. I also put on two pairs of underwear to hide my erection because I couldn't control it. I was terrified to get naked in front of anyone. Now,,, I would luv to get naked for anyone if they wanted me to, I broke out of my shell at a late age.

By Strongmember# [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 13:21 other posts 
yes, i was young for grade and also had slow puberty.. i was super curious at the urinals about size.. luckily mine kept growing til age 20.. took a while to feel confident

By xxconversexx [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 03:18 other posts 
Nope I was lucky to have one of the biggest but I was also the first to actually cum
So every PE session the other boys would ask to see me cum so I was able to wank in front of probably 10 15 boys twice a week

By #665411 20,Apr,22 20:28
I remember this one kid he would’ve be 10/11 as we were in 5th grade we were all laughing cause he had a massive bush down there. This was not the starting of pubic hair either it was a FULL bush.

By #569584 20,Apr,22 19:11
I used to try and get showered and dressed very quickly, particularly after cross country running as the blood had gone elsewhere as I was conscious of being smaller than most!

By Greek18cm [Ignore] 20,Apr,22 12:55 other posts 
Well... Let's set some things in the correct order. If you mean embarrassed due to small size then No since I was from very early developed my length (18cm, around 7inch) even at age 8,9 or 10 years old. (at the same point other guys had 6,7 or 8 cm, like 2 or 3 inches)...

I was embarrassed in other ways.
One it was that I was also hairy very early.
Two it was due to my female cousins preferences my cockhead was out of my foreskin which was weird for my homeland boys.
Three. My cock was kinda famous about some incident or should I say hobby the boys and I had at the small village we grew up...

I can elaborate all 3 of those but that's the gist of it.

By #641203 19,Apr,22 05:46
I was a late bloomer. My hair growth started late in the public area. I felt I was small. But i na avg guy

By #662360 19,Apr,22 03:31
I was embarrassed the first time we all got naked together after school gym in the showers. My cock was nothing impressive swinging flaccid. Then I started getting together with other boys to get our erect cocks out and masturbate. They saw I had big erections and felt my cock was real stiff. Someone commented that I had a big one. That was the end of my embarrassment!

By #644817 19,Apr,22 03:05
Gym class was humiliating. I had the smallest dick and bigger tits than most of the girls.

By #667453 19,Apr,22 02:26
No, guys never saw mine in high school.

I was embarrassed in the gym class locker room for having a smooth chest, so I changed my shirt fast.

I wanted to get hairy at 12, unfortunately my chest hair didn't start until I was 23.

By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 07,Apr,22 03:40 other posts 
I was embarrassed about having people see my cock because I think I might have been bigger than others boys....But most of all, I was afraid of getting a chub on and other guys thinking I was excited by looking at their cocks - It was true, but I wanted to keep that to myself.

By galaxy123 [Ignore] 05,Apr,22 13:36 other posts 
I developed late so I had the opposite problem to you. Mine was tiny until I was 15. I also went to a boarding school where there was no privacy, in fact boys would be encouraged to compare dicks and were naked in the showers and dorms all the time. When I moved into the upper school boarding house aged 12 the boys from the year above lined us up and made bets on who they thought would have the biggest dick. We were then asked to drop our trousers and pants. Out of 10 boys in my dorm mine was the smallest.
So I quickly learnt that it was better to join in than hide as hiding only made the teasing worse. Once I accepted that I was never embarrassed

By gazlittlewilly [Ignore] 27,May,16 04:00 other posts 
Oh, my heart bleeds! Hearing all these stories about how embarrassing it was to have such a big dick
Yes, I used to be very embarrassed in the showers and locker rooms... but because mine was the smallest :-S
By Jimjim [Ignore] 05,Apr,22 11:22 other posts 
I know right! I grew up with cousins that were younger than me and always way bigger so I have always been self conscious having to be naked around them. I used to get so jealous seeing his dick flop around

By #586249 06,Dec,21 05:14
Puberty began at 11 but don't have body hair & had a big cock from being a kid ..

By #589016 01,Dec,21 19:56
Yeah I was 15 when two boys pulled my pants off in the locker room and teased my tiny hairless penis
By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Dec,21 20:08 other posts 
Are you Tecsan
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 04,Dec,21 10:01 other posts 
By #612275 02,Dec,21 18:56
Same here. They thought I would object but I loved it

By #613471 04,Dec,21 04:34
I was very embarrassed at the age of 10 and 11. I was very early in puberty and had pubic hair and a big cock at the age of 10 1/2. We had to change clothes for swimming lesson. It was a horrible.

By #612275 02,Dec,21 19:03
I was a very late developer. Small uncut cock and hardly any balls to talk of. Absolutely no pubic hair but teh other guys at boarding school seemed to be attracted and there were hardly any I hadn't milked before I left. Bath night was always a good occasion and once it got dark in the dorm I would often have company.

By #64328 02,Dec,21 13:23
I actually got a thrill out of being naked around others In school. Showering together after PE was mandatory and restrooms had trough style urinals.

By #652988 02,Dec,21 09:31
Nope never been ashamed

By #275407 01,Dec,21 20:18
A 9 year old with a seven inch, that's bulshit
--------------------------------------- added after 43 seconds

Every time he got an erection, he fell over
By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Dec,21 20:37 other posts 
Because of passing out
By #275407 01,Dec,21 20:43
It was a dick with a body attached to it
By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Dec,21 20:47 other posts 

By Richie [Ignore] 27,Nov,21 13:59 other posts 
I was fortunate enough to never have to show myself naked or else I would have been very embarassed.

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