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Uncut guys: Do you prefer for your foreskin to be retracted during oral?

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Started by #161491 [Ignore] 12,Apr,13 12:23
Just watched a super-hot video on xtube where a cocksucker sucked off an uncut guy, but at no point during the blowjob did he retract the guy's foreskin, not even slightly. Even so, the guy clearly enjoyed it and got off. Someone left a comment on the video saying, "Most uncircumcised men I know prefer not to have the foreskin retracted when being orally serviced. A few do, but not too many."

I was just wondering if this is an accurate statement. Seems to me the opposite would be true because of the extra-sensitivity of an uncut man's cockhead. My husband's foreskin automatically retracts when he's aroused, so giving him a blowjob without his cockhead being exposed is pretty much impossible.

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By knewbi [Ignore] 15,Feb,21 14:24 other posts 
When I suck a guy off that is uncut I always pull the skin back as the head is so very sensitive and I want him to get the most out of that blow job.

By willylee [Ignore] 13,Feb,21 05:49 other posts 
Mine retracts completely when i get hard

By Magnus_Phallus [Ignore] 16,Jan,21 09:39 other posts 
Foreskin pulls back completely when erect

if it didn’t I’d prefer oral with it pulled back fully exposing the head

By Wipperman [Ignore] 16,Jan,21 06:09 other posts 

By #631189 14,Jan,21 18:57
Definitely not. Luckily as soon as I’m semi erect my foreskin goes back anyway, so I get no choice!

By #463848 06,Mar,19 06:12
Short foreskin so it goes back before entry

By #569242 05,Mar,19 21:53
I have no preference either way. Both ways feel great. It is especially great when as I'm getting sucked the person uses their lips and mouth to slowly retract my foreskin as they blow me. Also, as I've gotten older I find that my dick will get harder and stay harder longer if the foreskin is retracted.

By #581394 04,Mar,19 14:10
I love cut cocks and wish i was cut. I keep my 4skin bak esp wen there s a chance other guys migh see it.....eg in the locker rook/showers
--------------------------------------- added after 40 seconds

P.s. so they think i is cut

By #538435 24,Dec,17 01:05
I find both ways to be very pleasing . I love how it feels to have my foreskin covering the head while being sucked . I have a very sensitive foreskin and its the greatest pleasure to have it sucked and licked
By german_guy [Ignore] 04,Mar,19 12:43 other posts 
same here, I do enjoy the same way

By uncutjoy [Ignore] 04,Mar,19 08:52 other posts 
Having a tight foreskin, I prefer her to start with my foreskin nipple, gently insert tongue and use it along with her lips to work the foreskin back super slowly, so I can feel the skin being stretched as it strains against my blood filled cock head! Ever since forced retraction as a child and the pain, I've had a thing for tight foreskin retraction.

By #578931 03,Mar,19 14:54
At my last blow job with a new woman she pulled back my foreskin, had a good look for smeg and dived straight in, it was incredible.

By Nevermore [Ignore] 03,Mar,19 10:08 other posts 
I don't get a choice! As soon as I get hard my head starts coming out. If some sucked me until I was hard enough to cum, the foreskin would retract all the way.

By #550094 08,Feb,18 21:38
I've been permanently retracted since my early teens.
It feels so intense when I'm getting blowjobbed
and handjobbed!

By #516354 19,Dec,17 23:30
definitely pulled back,as already stated the feeling is much more intense.

By #529487 19,Dec,17 15:56
Has to be pulled back, a good woman seems to know that instinctively and a tongue licked around the edge of the glans is exquisite. I had one friend though who would hold my foreskin over the glans and then insert her tongue underneath the foreskin and roll it all around, pretty well instant cum shot.

By #539358 19,Dec,17 15:21
I always like my foreskin retracted when I'm being sucked, feels so much more intense

By #463848 19,Dec,17 04:41
During oral it wouldn't be any other way as it is a short foreskin

By #363802 25,Jun,17 12:28
I would LOVE to be trained on how to properly suck an uncut cock! I have very little experience with uncut men, I would really appreciate the opportunity to learn from someone who is willing to teach me! ♥️
By MM_DD [Ignore] 10,Jul,17 16:08 other posts 
Nothing beats practicing on a particular man (or men) until you can get the practice perfected. I honed my skills on my husband's uncut cock. After twenty-two years together and giving him literally thousands of blowjobs, I can get him off from oral alone each and every time (no hands). Been that way practically since the beginning. It's awesome.
By #363802 10,Jul,17 16:33
WOW! Would you care to teach me? I need more practice with uncut cock!
By MM_DD [Ignore] 11,Jul,17 08:38 other posts 
Best way to learn is to practice on a real-live, flesh-and-b l o o d, foreskinned man. My husband is the only uncut man I've ever been with. When we first got together, I spent hours between his legs exploring and learning about his anatomy and of course playing with him and pleasing him. Aw, heck...who am I kidding? I *still* spend hours between his legs!
By kebmo [Ignore] 11,Jul,17 10:24 other posts 
My blog story "I don't know how to suck an uncircumcised cock" will give you advice from SYD members.

By #363802 12,Jul,17 15:47
Thank you!That's certainly helpful,but I just wish I had someone to practice on,so he could tell me if I'm doing a good job or not!

By #476377 11,Jul,17 13:11
Yes, I always retract my foreskin when my cock is being sucked, and also when putting on a condom.

By #537175 11,Jul,17 12:01
Yes I love the feeling on the head asmy partner runs his tongue over it . But we bot like to roll it back and wank in between sucking and so using the foreskin to stimulate the head

By Greek18cm [Ignore] 09,Jul,17 08:35 other posts 
Sometimes its good to retract others not.


By #537175 25,Jun,17 14:52
When I suck uncut cock I use the foreskin when stroking the cock between sucking , but when really sucking and licking I have the head exposed . A few years ago when I was a teen , I was playing with a younger mates cock , but his foreskin was still tight and the head of his cock very sensitive so when I got to sucking his cock the head was only just peeping out . It was his first time with another guy so I showedhim min fully retracted and over the next few months he started stretching it till eventually he would fully retract

By niceonebighead [Ignore] 25,Jun,17 12:12 other posts 
im 75 my first bj when i was 12 from older guyalways like the foreskin pulled backsucked slow with lot of lickin luv a good bj

By #528794 26,May,17 05:46
I leave it up to them, back or forward I'm not bothered as long as I get the desired result

By MM_DD [Ignore] 20,Feb,17 19:54 other posts 
Very cool to see this thread resurface. I originally started it under my previous user name almost four years ago.

It's also very ironic and appropriate that I saw it today because yesterday, as I was giving my husband the usual Sunday morning blowjob, I managed to pull his foreskin back up over his cockhead and actually sucked him to orgasm with his cockead covered instead of fully exposed. This was a first, and it was super-hot! Usually when I bob up and down on his dick to get him off, he feels my lips and tongue in direct contact with his cockhead, but this time it was his foreskin providing the friction. He even remarked today how much he enjoyed it and is looking forward to me doing it to him again. Can't wait till bedtime.

When I first created this thread four years ago, I don't believe I could've done this because his foreskin wasn't long enough. But over the years I've really worked it during blowjobs—lots of stretching and pulling and nibbling, and of course lots and lots of sucking—to the point where I believe it's longer now.
By tb1 [Ignore] 02,Mar,17 15:19 other posts 
You are a treasure my friend
By MM_DD [Ignore] 05,Mar,17 09:42 other posts 
So are you, my friend.

By foreskinfetish [Ignore] 03,Mar,17 11:56 other posts 
My foreskin is pretty long so sometimes I like it forward covering the head up until I'm about to cum, then skin it back tightly while cumming. Other times I like to just leave it forward. Either way is great!

By DJS [Ignore] 03,Mar,17 07:08 other posts 
Well in my experiences.BJ/wanked off my foreskin always gets retracted by any source hand/mouth...

By #517753 01,Mar,17 21:05
Pull my foreskin back and lick till your heart's content . Toungue my head under my forskin to get me hard . I do enjoy being sucked off !!

By #121361 23,Feb,17 00:56
Foreskin half back. [deleted image] THX Lady

By #62682 21,Feb,17 17:33
Has to be skin back, the feel of a tongue on the back of my shiny head just under the ridge of the glands is absolutely ecstatic, you just don't get that feeling if covered. Just being stroked gently with the tip of a lubricated finger in the right spot gets me of in no time.

By niceonebighead [Ignore] 20,Feb,17 14:48 other posts 
yes u can start with skin over the head but skin it an tounge the bare headan suck it

By #206678 17,Dec,16 15:26
A good partner will know what to do with a foreskin! You need some variety in a good blowjob not just pulling the skin back and sucking the head all the time!
The foreskin is very sensitive and enjoys being licked and teased. Good tongue work is essential.

By madmadworld28 [Ignore] 17,Dec,16 09:53 other posts 
I like having the skin pulled back during oral too, it stays back mostly but still...most girls like the extra skin to play with, my first ex said it had a hoodie

By #519672 16,Dec,16 15:26
skin it back and expose the head works real nice

By #174339 13,Aug,16 21:59
i prefer haveing the foreskin retracted when being suck

By #476910 08,Aug,16 15:08
As you just described with your hubby. Mine goes back automatically. No chance of it staying up front.

By #514785 08,Aug,16 02:34
I perfer for my coc to be throat deep. What iwould like to add. Is when there is a soft hot toung circling my head while my hood is on

By #121361 08,Aug,16 01:05
[deleted image]

By #121361 08,Aug,16 01:03
First Streching [deleted image]

By #61033 07,Aug,16 03:56
I like mine pulled back all the way, feels so much better!

By niceonebighead [Ignore] 06,Aug,16 23:08 other posts 
yes it is retracted like lots of tounge action

By #510314 01,Jul,16 19:28
I prefer the uncut dick of my boyfriend

[deleted image]

By #423426 30,Jun,16 16:23
Mine goes fully back as soon as I've got a hard on.
By #496814 01,Jul,16 10:46
Mine too.

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