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Getting a bigger dick (not a spammer)

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #366338 [Ignore] 17,Apr,13 15:48
Has anyone else tried jelqing?
The reason I ask is that I've done it for about a year now and have gone from around 7 inches to around 8 and a quarter. I want to know whether you guys had a target when you started. I would have thought that I would have stopped by now, but in a way its kind of addictive seeing my cock grow. Has anyone else tried it and then stopped or is it something that when you start you can't stop.

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By #366338 20,Apr,13 15:52
Just take it nice and easy at first and build up the intensity over a few months as your cock becomes stronger, you will notice your erections getting more powerful

By #50778 20,Apr,13 14:34
must try.. sounds fun can't

By #366338 20,Apr,13 14:23
Thanks for the replies.
I can definitely confirm that everyone can increase the size of their cock. I'll just do around 10-15 minutes of jelqing everyday on top of some kegels. I've really noticed an increase. Reading the advice on this thread, it looks like I'll have to continue doing this, not that I mind, I quite enjoy the exercises.

By winnie [Ignore] 20,Apr,13 02:23 other posts 
So you mean That everyone Can get a bigger dick with jelqing? Might try

By Ablaze [Ignore] 18,Apr,13 08:46 other posts 
Yes, I grow up with 1-2cm

By #70814 17,Apr,13 17:58
I tried it for about a month and I definitely saw a result, gained about 0.5cm. Like body building, you just have to keep doing it for an extended period of time and results will come:


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