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Isn't it frustrating when you start a new topic and a bunch of yahoos derail it with off-topic comments?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #303133 [Ignore] 06,May,13 13:57
I like pie.

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By #385990 19,May,13 03:53
who won the Eurovision song contest?...........
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,13 09:31 other posts 
Wrong thread 7. JohnS updated gradurgaur's thread and it was Denmark's entry.

By #261704 15,May,13 11:52
Whats the word for the stuff in the corner of your eye when you wake up?
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,13 12:26 other posts 
Eye boogers.
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 15,May,13 14:49 other posts 
eye boogers ummm can you get those kind of booger in your eyes?
By #201583 15,May,13 14:57
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,13 16:49 other posts 
Rheum! Who the heck asked for the medical definition? The members don't care, do they? Eye booger terminology is clear, simple and to the point. BAM!
By #201583 15,May,13 17:16
In some households "booger" is as bad of a word as "darn." I didn't want to offend anyone. But everyone knows eye boogie, eye snot, eye vomit, eye shit, eye crusties, and leftover sand. (From the Sand-man) I have even heard rheum called "breakfast."
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 15,May,13 18:30 other posts 
did you know my friend the word booger in icelandic is Hor..
like þú ert með hor í nefinu....
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 15,May,13 18:28 other posts 
you tel them ****...
--------------------------------------- added after 35 seconds

you tel them Bella....
By #201583 15,May,13 18:52
I prefer the Klingon word 'IqnaH QaD, it has spunk.
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 15,May,13 19:29 other posts 
i did not know klingon had word over booger
By #360973 15,May,13 20:37
Pretty sure rydell was looking for the answer: ****, a.k.a. s l e e p
By #387191 16,May,13 12:39
In spanish we call them llanas or llanitas, never knew what they were called in english.
By bella! [Ignore] 16,May,13 13:17 other posts 
And what would llanas or llanitas translate into English as meaning?

By gradurgaur [Ignore] 15,May,13 02:49 other posts 
Just will are you going to see the eurovison song contest 2013 in sweden on saturday?if so will there you have some pies?
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,13 05:05 other posts 
Hey! What does the Eurovision Song Contest and pies have to do with this topic? Absolutely nothing and that's why it absolutely works!

My friend gradurgaur, strangely I know what your bum looks like but I do not know what your favorite flavor of pie is. You do like pie don't you? And do you enjoy it à la mode?
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 15,May,13 09:19 other posts 
We need to keep this topic Flowding so why not..what do you meen bella eurovision and pie go well togher like ham and cheese egg and bacon and fish and fries
my favorite pie...
ummmmm that is good one...
lemon pie is good apple pie cheese cake pie..
am pie kind of guy
--------------------------------------- added after 72 seconds

And i know what pie bella like she like sweet pie...
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,13 09:52 other posts 
Lemon meringue is my favorite pie. Lemons can be used for so much. I'm trying out my "green thumb" this season, I will attempt to grow Meyer lemons. We will see if the Michigan climate is conducive to growing lemons.
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 15,May,13 10:28 other posts 
am sure with your green fingers it will grow into big lemon tree....
--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes

I know it sound stupid but what if JustWill and daffu have A baby that wil be so cool right Just-daffu ****..
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,13 11:50 other posts 
Hey handsome, I'm not sure if your Icelandic humor is translating correctly. JustWill/daffu/baby = just daffu **** ????? Please explain.
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 15,May,13 14:46 other posts 
the baby wil have justWill as first name and daffu as last name and it will be call just daffu for short what do you thing bella
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,13 16:43 other posts 
Maybe you should consider changing your name to SimplySilly but if you do, I'm still going to call you handsome!
By #303133 15,May,13 16:38
As fond as I am of the Duck, I promise never to try to put a baby in him...
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 15,May,13 18:27 other posts 
you are kind as your are wise....JustWill

By bigone21 [Ignore] 15,May,13 15:34 other posts 
@ JustWill: I think your "I like pie" topic has been taken hostage by allmost everyone in this forum!

On topic: I don't like pie!

By bella! [Ignore] 06,May,13 19:40 other posts 
What happened to ballsoffun?

By #201583 06,May,13 17:40
Coconut cream, pudding, strawberry rhubarb, blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, apple, peach, Mississippi mud, and even shoofly pie, but you can keep your dingleberry pie.
By #303133 06,May,13 17:53
The opossum is the only marsupial native to North America.
By #201583 06,May,13 18:41
I ate a marsupial burger in Okinawa. What would be the odds of getting a Roo-burger when a hamburger is ordered?

By bella! [Ignore] 06,May,13 16:41 other posts 
Hey, there's a Show Your Asshole forum. Really? If it ain't bad enough that the guys gotta hoist their HAIRY asses up in the air, they're using their free hands to spread their cheeks! I've already seen too much, I bet I'm going to have nightmares. ..........
By #274357 06,May,13 17:15
I got one for ya....

[deleted image]
By bella! [Ignore] 06,May,13 17:54 other posts 
WTF is that? Are you trying to scare me? Is that a Woolly Mammoth or the scarlett portal to the abyss?
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 06,May,13 18:01 other posts 
I would say that he needs to find a weed wacker

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 06,May,13 18:00 other posts 
I want my pie and to eat it to

By gradurgaur [Ignore] 06,May,13 16:08 other posts 
Ok what kind of pie..

By bella! [Ignore] 06,May,13 13:59 other posts 

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