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political correctness gone mad

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

Started by #132188 [Ignore] 16,Oct,14 18:15
What is this world coming to? My 4 year old daughter came home from daycare yesterday with a note stating the OLD nursery rhyme ( ba ba black sheep ) can't be taught or sung at her daycare no more due too racist Connotations...

Gimme a FN break geee...... There goes Snow White and her 7 vertically challenged sidekicks.

Last year they could not celebrate Christmas there due to 3 k1ds ( of a class of 30 ) are of middle eastern appearance.

Another case was at our local burger store no names... ( Oporto ) has displayed a nativity scene on there counter for the last 12 years and has been told by Centre Management of the shopping centre that he can not do it anymore because some members ( Arab ) take offence to it.

It's just ridiculous

Ok rant over

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Similar topics: 1.Moral vs. political correctness.   2.The great American divide   3.A SINCERE APOLOGY TO huxley999   4.Politics, from outside the US.   5.New to social media  

By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Aug,15 13:33 other posts 
I blame the damn midgets!

By #303133 17,Oct,14 09:52
That kind of nonsense always brings to mind Ray Bradbury's excellent novel "Fahrenheit 451" and Kurt Vonnegut's fantastic short story "Harrison Bergeron".
By #444014 17,Oct,14 15:37
Don't mention book burning.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Don't sh00t me I haven't read the book. I remember watching it with my father who had to explain the title.
By #316255 18,Oct,14 13:34
I'm not a big fan of paper books anymore. I can have 1000s of ebooks or carry one paper book. So I choose ebooks.
By #303133 18,Oct,14 14:58
Okay. This entire discussion has made me very sad...
By #316255 20,Oct,14 14:06
Why? You can read, and carry with you, so many more electronic books than you can paper books.
By #303133 20,Oct,14 14:28
I am a tactile person. I love the feel of a book in my hands. I like turning the pages and cuddling up with a good read when I go to bed. Ebooks don't do that for me. The tablet screen does not relax me like reading an actual page does. The electronicification (copyright=ME)of books has led to the disappearance of book stores and libraries; a very sad thing. It is also playing havoc with the publishing industry.
Mostly, it is because a real book does not require a battery recharge.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Oct,14 18:03 other posts 
You're absolutely correct, the electronification ( nice word by the way and quite accurate ) has done away with many bookstores AND libraries. My $ister turned me on to talking books.....I can listen to novels during my 90+, minute commute to and from work, if I choose. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
By #303133 20,Oct,14 21:16
I have listened to a number of recorded books and have enjoyed them. (I particularly enjoyed several which were read by the author.) Not the same thing as a REAL book, though...
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Oct,14 23:15 other posts 

By #474162 18,Oct,14 00:42
We were not allowed to decorate for Halloween this year. Instead be had to put up fall leaves, and are having a fall harvest party this year.
By #132188 18,Oct,14 05:52
Sounds cool, over here it's only been the last 4 years we have embraced Halloween and it's getting bigger and bigger every year
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Oct,14 06:44 other posts 
What's so cool about not being able to follow tradition? So Halloween is not a big pagan holiday in Oz or is it just a tradition that you, personally, have not embraced?
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Oct,14 06:38 other posts 
Interesting.... When you say "we", as in we are not allowed to decorate, are you referring to your schools?

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